Wish he had left

I don't know why film people do not like to show that men also have dreams of a better life. If the roles were reversed she would have left him and not looked back. Men leave controlling wives in the same manner women do.


What are you talking about? There are many movies where the wife is about to leave her husband but doesn't.


I agree. It broke my heart how he ended up permanently stuck in that loveless marriage. I wanted to see him leave with Sophie.


I guess maybe the wife changed a bit afterwords, But after a second viewing it seemed more that they had communication issues, not entirely her fault.


He'd have just grown tired of Sophie and traded up eventually. Some people will always find the grass greener elsewhere.


I was really disappointed in the outcome as well. The smile on his face at the end was heartbreaking.


also i found myself asking the question. why start affair when you are not going to finish. this questions goes to director of this movie too. why make half baked movie


I think he will leave eventually. It's not a life if you are miserable.

