Ep. 1: Thoughts?

I'm not sure about the majority but I wasn't expecting much to begin with (despite looking forward to it) but I enjoyed the first episode. The CGI wasn't awful and the information seemed backed up and up to date. I found it very informative.
My criticism would be that the animation was brief and occasionally awkward. Also I would of liked it to be longer :)
All in all, I'm looking forward to the rest of the series and would love for them to continue beyond. Your thoughts?



I agree that it should have been longer. If they are going to do the explanations of fossils, that Walking with Dinosaurs didn't have, then they should have made the episodes longer to accommodate them.

"Dream not of today"


If they are going to do the explanations of fossils, that Walking with Dinosaurs didn't have, then they should have made the episodes longer to accommodate them.


It appeared to me as if the folks at BBC were trying to rectify some of the mistakes of WWD, and answer the complaints about the show not being scientific enough with all the evidence that they showed every other minute. But along with the bad, they also threw away some of the good stuff. While I definitely learned a thing or two about the presented dinos, I was simply not entertained. The story seemed to be just a set up to present as much fossil evidence as they could, while it should have been the other way around -- using solid evidence and sensible speculation to back up engaging stories.

It was a welcome sight to see animals behaving realistically after Dinosaur Revolution, but the episode came off as being too dry and lifeless for my tastes. The prefect balance between scientific-ness and entertainment has yet to be found by the recent dino shows.

Also... re-watching some scenes, and I have to wonder... Are the fight scenes purposely so choppy? It seems they were going for an under-cranked feel, but to me, it just looked bad.


It was awesome and had a fairly good amount of scientific stuff, information and nice battles between the giants.


Really good detail and info and was very clear and consice on the facts. CGI was good, although surprisingly not seemingly much better than Walking With Dinosaurs which is now 10 or 11 years old. So that was a bit of a let down. And yes it should be an hour long. Liked it a lot overall though, will be watching all the way.

"Or at this point would it be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway?"
