Had potential and wasted it (spoilers)

For me, the setup was good; kidnapping happened at the right point; but, once Mikayla was taken the movie falls apart more than Kari.

I mean, I liked the drug angle of Kari, but from the way the investigation was handled, the Wil and Kari Madea Goes to Jail storyline, and the way they made Beth the kidnapper like a last minute decision...

Overall it was just eh.

Plus, Pam Grier's acting was just...



All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy


The ending & finding out the kidnapper seemed rushed..
Good story and setup . It held my interest throughout the movie l, but I'd like a more detailed and progressive climax. The ending should be explosive..just lacked it.. even the acting at the end was lacking .


some of the plot points were telegraphed...

characters made some illogical choices...

the Christian morale was a bit heavy handed...

but still, congrats on making this film.



I did not blame the wife for her issues, but there seemed to be a since he was judging her so critical issue that they had to make him just as bad. He was way over the top in his understanding of her and it seemed tacked on.

I also could not understand her reluctance along with his to forgive each other. The had thee daughter back and the lies canceled each other out.


I donno if I would agree. Hers wasnt so much as a lie as omitting a part of her past. And just about EVERYONE has a past. So unless she lied and said she was a virgin it wasnt really a lie. Ive meet alot of people (male and female) that sleep around with just about anyone any chance they get. The only difference with her was she got paid for her sluttiness. And it appears she was 100% faithful once she meet him.
On his part it was most definitely a lie and a betrayal of het trust. He broke his vowels. His wasnt on the past. His was a present lie. I actually was a little suprised how quickly it seemed she was forgiving him. If my Husband got another woman pregnant I dont think I would stick around.


It would have made a good TV movie if they had tweaked it a little bit. I had this feeling they shot it and then were going to make it better when they got more money. The ending was forced.
I loved the shots of New Orleans. It was cool they showed all the people who live in New Orleans. I loved Pam Grier was great.
