Terrible movie

I like Skarsgaard and love Ewan McGregor so was hoping for so much better than this film delivers. The cinematography was distracting except for a few interesting shots of thd French Alps. Too many ultra close shots and jumpy camera work. If you are pulled out if ggd story to notice something technical like that, then the movie doesn't work. The story was ridiculous. Why would Ewan have accepted the first overture from Stellan? He wouldn't! And thankfully we would have been saved the rest of the ridiculous story. He should have gone back to his hotel and then we could have gone home. Also, why did he have a black wife? Because Hollywood and advertising companies everywhere are pushing that down our throats these days.


He did it because of the kids. In England it's not uncommon to have a black wife.


Yes it is uncommon. TV and movies would have you believe that it is extremely frequent, when in fact it remains (and almost certainly always will remain) the exception.


lol I have not seen this movie so I will assume your criticisms are valid. But complaining about an inter-racial marriage in a film? Seriously?


Unbelievable, I also had to read it twice.
Some people still didn't arrive in the 21st century.


it is wrong and should be banned!


Why would Ewan have accepted the first overture from Stellan? He wouldn't!
Perry and Gail are having a lot of problems in their marriage. Gail just rejected Perry in the bedroom and then left dinner to take a work call. Perry is dejected and lonely. A charismatic guy offers for him to indulge in very expensive alcohol that he obviously couldn't afford on his salary along with a bunch of other guys, so he took him up on it.
Also, why did he have a black wife?
I think that a lot of white men would happily marry someone who looks like Naomie Harris, especially if she is a successful lawyer.




Thank you for your honest review of this movie and your comments on the actors/production within..

On IMDB these days, most positive reviews are posted by folk trying to promote the movie..



Excusez-moi, I didn't realize you were Emmanuel Lubezki. The movie was shot well, I didn't have a problem with it.

I didn't realize that YOU were Lubezki either. If your opinion on the cinematography is valid, then so is theirs. You didn't have a problem with it but they did.
Because gullible and naive people don't exist?

Agreed. People can be easily led, especially under certain circumstances. It's also not the OP's place to say what another person would or wouldn't do, they don't know them, whether they are fictional or not. The character was written that way so that is the way the act.

Because interracial marriages are uncommon nowadays? Please. Your comment is racist and you're a bigot.

You're both jumping on bandwagons. They have jumped on the 'Hollywood token black actor' bandwagon and you on the 'racist/bigot' one. There's nothing racist or bigoted in their comment. It'd definitely ignorant and completely stupid, but nothing else.



Also, why did he have a black wife?

London & England in general aren't as Racist as the "South" & Wider US.

You can be in London with a black girlfriend/wife and no one will care.

Are you an SJW ? If so, please kill yourself immediately! Thanks


Not true at all. I have lived in the UK my whole life and have never seen an interacial relationship. Races tend to keep to themselves and don't mix, which is the reason multiculturalism can never work.


UK does not equal London.

Also have you not seen the TV? There are plenty of Interracial couples.

You must either live under a rock or be completely blind.

But you'll find that the races that tend not to mix are the Indians and the Muslims.

Are you an SJW ? If so, please kill yourself immediately! Thanks


In all your life in the UK you have never seen an interracial relationship (I've got one next door)? Do you carry a white stick or live in the outer Shetlands? And what has multi-culturalism got to do with race? They are 2 entirely different things.


Exactly. And races don't even exist within humans for that matter.


Wow, what backwater do you live in? I grew up in the North West of England and have lived in the Midlands, the South West and now London. Something that makes me incredibly proud about this country is how integrated it is compared to many others, including the US. We're not perfect by any means, but overall different races, religions and cultures get along very well. They certainly don't each "keep to themselves", and mixed race relationships are commonplace.


I wouldn't say the movie was terrible, but it was lackluster. It meandered quite a bit, and I really didn't care about any of the characters. The couple lacked any real chemistry or significant story development, and the Russian was a bit if a caricature. The intelligence guys were standard issue. Consequently, none of them engaged me.


Yeah but we live in London

We're way way more progressive

Like honestly a few decades ahead of the rest of the country

And a multicultural society DOES work in London, perfectly


London is more progressive? Ya I guess so..based on :

-Voted in a muslim mayor
-Condone said muslim mayor stomping on freedom of expression and freedom of advertising in the name of his religion (see removal of bikini ads) yet simultaneously attending open
public events where women are forced to stand in the back behind the men
-Majorly voted to stay in the European Union

You're definitely ahead of the rest of the country though, ..at being morons.

P.S. Multiculuralism as a political tool or a social mandate by government, has never worked any where in the history of the world. See reference : history...

This film was a four - typical, generic and bland. The interracial thing is just more Hollywierd acting like they know what people want to see on screen.


Dude. We're Londoners

We're smarter, faster, better at our jobs, we're tolerant of different cultures and we're way ahead of you in terms of standard of living

Not limited to - but including - what we earn

Get over it
