Chemist vs. physician?

Shouldn't a doctor know more about the effects of radiation, nerve gas and later poison on the human body than a chemist and have solid advice to offer in regard to survival?


You saved me some typing. All I kept thinking!


I doubt your average physician has ever studied the effects of radiation or nerve gas. That's a bit of a specialty.

So, no.


But it seemed a little odd to me that a chemist would know so much about the physical effects of the agent. Felt they should have had both women contributing info.


You weren't the only one.


Thanks. My (adored) doc of many years, a family practitioner, always says "this isn't my specialty" when it isn't, but he knows at least a little about a lot - and I've asked him some pretty out-there questions over the years. He's referred me to specialists quite a few times per what (unfortunately) turned out to be quite accurate "hunches," as he'd probably call them.

I'm almost certain that they do learn this stuff in medical school - he teaches there, so maybe he's just more "refreshed" - just as those with bachelor's degrees are "forced" to take courses like philosophy, math, foreign language, art history, economics, literature, you name it, despite their major. And boy did I hear complaints about this at least weekly from those of my business students who should have opted for a career college, given their attitudes and GPAs; some kids never "got" the idea of what this degree represents.

Hm, wonder if med students complain "I'm gonna be a surgeon, I don't need to know about radiation!"


I kept thinking that too. Honestly, I kept thinking that she wasn't a very good, or at least not a very dedicated, doctor. "aren't you a first responder? shouldn't you go?" "I'm not on call today".



I'm going to have to go with Chemist on this one. We work with all kinds of toxic sh*t and we need to know what all the possible dangers are before we start working with them.


Yep got to go with you

Ever ask your doctor about any of the crap he prescribes for you??? side effects and compatibility??

Usually hasn't a clue

In a world where a carpenter can be resurrected, anything is possible.


Physchians are humans too. They aren't freaking robots. A chemist who works with chemicals like it would be a better expert with this. Especially because it would probably be something that interests them more.
