Book is brilliant...

Really happy with the director choice (Matthew Lillard, no clue why he hasn't been listed yet) and pretty excited about the casting choices as well. The one issue (beware, I'm a douche fanboy of the novel) is the changing of Curt's name to Matt. Seeing as how Curt was heavily based on Kurt Cobain (from the physicality, to mannerisms to personality), it's easy to see why the name change took place (Courtney Love's a bitch who likes to sue people) but at the same time I can't help but voice my ounce of disappointment.

Anyway, that aside, I'm entirely grateful that this film is being made and I really can't wait for it. I'll be there opening day, should it open near me.

"Well, I'm not a bad guy. If looks, brains and personality don't count." - Miller's Crossing


