MovieChat Forums > Toxin (2015) Discussion > 100 things we learned from Toxin

100 things we learned from Toxin

1. If your sick friend comes at you TWICE, it's okay to stab them.
2. Even if your girlfriend is dying you always have time to listen to a scientist go on and on about his job.
3. This movie was so bad they didn't even have the standard B-movie female nudity or skimpy shorts scenes.
4. A virus facility has 911-call-inteception and call-blocking devices as standard issue equipment.
5. You can easily go from a slobby simple non-sterile test in a lab to mass production of vaccines within hours.
6. Danny Glover is desperate.
7. If you're sick grand mother knows she is sick and refuses to throw anything away, ask her if she wants to keep every single item she has before you get rid of it.
8. A gunshot wound in the stomach will hurt for a few minutes but then it won't even slow you down at all.
9. If your boyfriend comes home from a warzone, tell him he's not the same man anymore and do it within 24 hours.
10. The government will put warning signs on peoples houses to warn potential visitors that they shouldn't live there.



11. The best way to stop a villain from releasing a deadly virus, is releasing it yourself.
12. If your friend is shot in the abdomen, you don't have to do anything to help him; don't even check if he was lethally injured or not. Speak a few kind words, then just leave him.
13. When you're on your way to a medical facility, don't bother to bring your friend who was just shot in the abdomen but still alive;
14. After specifically telling your boyfriend who just came back from a warzone that you hope that everything that happened back there stays back there, you should tell him a few days later that he must start talking about it sometime.
15. Medical personnel of a shady lab does not know who their coworkers are; anyone in a lab-coat is legit. Security personnel however recognizes intruders on sight, even when they are dressed exactly the same as all medical personnel.


16.You know a grandmother will be immune to a virus you have not yet created so you create that virus so you can use granny to make a vaccine.
17.Firing high calibre military rounds into glass will not break it but throwing the empty pistol will.
18.It helps that your gutshot friend has a rifle that changes into a variety of other firearms of differing sizes and types when needed.
19.After you destroy you granny's remains along with your total inheritance you can still visit her expensive looking gravestone in what looks like a military cemetery.
20.Even granting you are an Army veteran,you are a little one yet can still beat up Vinnie Jones's twice your size mercinary sergeant.
