Corporate shills

I wonder how much they were paid for this propaganda?


Whatever it is, their future and end will be priceless.


Authors@Google: Ozzie Zehner - Green Illusions

How much are the fossil fuels industries which are rebranded as solar/wind paying you?

How are you not aware that you are every bit as dense and immune to facts and reason as the "fox news" people you laugh at over global warming.


Also covered by bbc horizon "nuclear nightmares"



Good doc... even covered some of the same ground as Pandora's Promise. And it was from 2006.


If you think it's propaganda, you've been lied to.

-[ Why does modern horror movie suck?]-


The anti-nuclear crowd are usually such simple minded people. They hear the word 'nuclear' and freak out automatically. It's like people who avoid eating 'fat' because they don't want to be 'fat'. Shame.


thanks for your generalized comments. you're obviously a deep thinker.


This was pretty obviously a commercial for nuclear energy. The change of heart exhibited by the main characters was more about convenience than anything. And they chose a crackpot to represent those against nuclear power. It was great when they were talking about reducing energy use while showing cities with huge electric signs. The suggestion that impoverished people will have their lives miraculously changed for the better by nuclear power was ridiculous as well. Waving around a device with meaningless numbers on it was a nice touch. They didn't talk much about the very real problems of nuclear energy. Maybe the less said about that the better. A few impressive looking charts and graphs are thrown in for good measure. Actually a pretty well crafted piece of propaganda.


They didn't talk much about the very real problems of nuclear energy.

And neither are you.


lol this isn't propaganda and nuclear doesnt have the money to do such things...
Oil is scared *beep* of nuclear.

Only liars would claim otherwise, after learning the facts... you do what you want... I know that the oil companies have been demonizing nuclear power and its jsut like the communist is socialism thing

manufactured consent
