Wow! Not Kevin Spacey

I was so convinced that it was Kevin Spacey behind the voice of the robot and that he was merely repeating his Moon performance. Can't believe it was actually Peter Sarsgaard - he sounded identical to Spacey. Surely Moon must have been the inspiration though.


I don't think it sounded at all like Kevin Spacey. I also don't believe 'Moon' was any inspiration to the voice whatsoever. Keep trying though :)


It's obvious that the voice is mimicking Spacey in Moon. They sound almost exact.

Keep trying though :)


Well that's funny considering the AI in Moon was quite obviously inspired by HAL of 2001 fame. So if anything, the voice would have been inspired by HAL and not Spacey's Moon bot.


I thought It was him too, nearly identical to the robot in Moon!


I thought it too!


Actually, now that you mention Kevin Spacey, I think he would have been great in the role of Frank.


I am a die-hard Kevin Spacey fan. I absolutely love his body of work and have seen all of his movies. I thought this was Kevin Spacey's voice and am still not convinced it's not. It sounds identical to Kevin.

Particularly how he phrases words and the tone.


"Insert Anything Spoken By" Ari Gold


I was 100% certain it was Michael Emerson from Person of Interest / Lost

But no. It wasn't.


Whoa. You seriously just blew my mind, and I usually pride myself on my good ears when it comes to this sort of thing!

A million dollars isn't cool.


I also thought it was Spacey

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


I love Kevin Spacey but oddly he never came to my mind. I was thinking it was John Malkovich for the first five minutes but I knew it wasn't him. Did John Malkovich come to anybody else's mind?
