MovieChat Forums > Robot & Frank (2012) Discussion > This movie is Oscar worthy

This movie is Oscar worthy

If Steven Spielberg had directed this movie instead of "AI - Artificial Intelligence", it would have been Oscar nominated and probably would have won already!

Show me the holes!


It is most excellent. Love it. In another world, it's Oscar-worthy. Sadly, there's just no accounting for the public's taste. Oy...

Cold sober, I find myself absolutely fascinating.


It was a good and enjoyable movie, but in my opinion it's not Oscar-worthy at all and not even close. It might have a good story, but it lacked character-depth. Liv Tyler's performance was lame (or it appears to be). It would have been a better movie if it was a short one.


I really enjoyed this film. I wouldn't say it's Oscar worthy in the sense that I dislike more movies that usually get nominated (although recently they've been nominating more films).

We actually recommended this movie on our podcast last June. There needs to be more low budget movies like this. Hollywood is more concerned with mega-budgeted superhero movies, when stuff like this could make a nice chunk of change in the theaters if people knew about it.

What's wrong with a $10 million dollar movie making $35,000,000? Why is that not worth the marketing effort?
