probable cause

I would just like to know what probable cause the police could've gotten from random junk in a bag? Particularly one that was given to a son from his father that looked like keepsakes and knick-knacks. Neverminding the fact that even if they had probable cause to search the house there was no warrant to access the robots memory and I feel that falls in the same category as a computer hard drive. Your thoughts?


I think they said they had a search warrant, so they could seize pretty much whatever they liked. It's unclear how they got the warrant, as there didn't seem to be any evidence to justify it apart from the guy being an ex-burglar living next to someone who'd been burgled.


I just took it to be that in this not-too-distant-future the police were allowed to search cars and houses for no good reason and a robot caregivers consent would be considered enough to enter (and possibly bug) a building

I don't care, I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me...


I just watched it tonight, and I didn’t hear anyone say they had a search warrant.
They also didn’t have probable cause to search anything or anywhere. This was a glaring overreach of authority. I feel like the sheriff was unduly impressed by Jake’s wealth and societal standing, and let himself be persuaded to overextend his authority.
