MovieChat Forums > El artista y la modelo (2013) Discussion > Just watched it last night at SF Film Fe...

Just watched it last night at SF Film Festival!

Loved it. Such a great movie! Unfortunately they just showed it a DVD copy, but nevertheless it was great!

Javier H. Moreno


i just finished seeing this myself (in HD) and in short... it's in my Top 20-ish movies of 2013 out of the 99 2013 released movies i have seen at this point.

i give it a 7/10 (Thumbs Up)

My Vote History ...


I just finished re-watching this movie, which makes for my 2nd viewing of it total now, and it held steady if not grew a bit stronger for me as my interest levels in the movie hold pretty steady throughout it. but given the type of movie it is, it will have more limited appeal given it's slower pace etc.

i give it a solid 7/10.

My Top 10 movies of 2013 out of the 115 2013 released movies i have seen...

1.The Wolf of Wall Street - 8/10
2.Before Midnight - 7-7.5/10
3.At Middleton
4.Adore - 7/10
5.Only God Forgives
6.Spring Breakers
7.Captain Phillips
9.The Artist and the Model

p.s. even though IMDb lists this movie as 2012 it's pretty much a 2013 movie based on it's USA release date. also, i have seen all of those movies above at least twice now besides Before Midnight but i plan on re-watching the entire trilogy when i get around to seeing Before Midnight again. but i think it will hold steady.

My IMDb Movie Lists etc =
