MovieChat Forums > El Gringo (2012) Discussion > A decent flick, just too long

A decent flick, just too long

The movie started out strong, and picked up the pace by the end, but the second act was waaaayyy too long and boring.

Also the cinematography with the burned out look was pretty annoying and sort of outdated. That look was hot like 5-10 years ago, it doesn't add anything to the feel of the movie and just makes everything look cheap.

Other than that it was a pretty fun movie, I especially liked the scene where the hot chick had to use her bra and panties to tie Scott Adkins' wounds.
That was such a quintessential stupid action movie comedic relief scene.

Also I was dissapointed they didn't show the hot chick's rack.


There is a rule:

- when a movie is shot in Sofia, Bulgaria, just avoid it.

In this movie they are in Mexico and there isn't a single mexican in it or at least someone that looks like a mexican.
90% of the actors are bulgarians and it seems they shot the movie in sum poor gypsy neighborhood. I'm originally from Bulgaria and i know how it is.
One and only exception was The Expandables 2, which was shot in Bulgaria and it happened to be a decent movie, just because of those names.
Anyway i follow this rule i'm never wrong.


It did a fairly good job of making Bulgaria look like Mexico. Obviously if you're familiar with Bulgaria, then it's going to look obviously Bulgarian and there's several things that look out of place for Mexico, but to the casual viewer it looks pretty good. The only thing that really bothered me was Christian Slater driving the GAZ car.

Look at THE SHEPHERD: BORDER PATROL. That was filmed in the Bulgarian winter and tries to pass it off as the US/Mexico border area, and it is absolutely laughable in its attempt. Comparing "El Gringo" to that crap, "El Gringo" does a FANTASTIC job of making Bulgaria look like Mexico.


I thought along similar lines. This film would have been talked about 10 years ago but now it is a good late night or saturday afternoon flick at home if this is the first viewing.

Christian Slater has been doing the same type of roles for the past few years it seems as well. Corrupt or crooked this and that.

Do not know who the lead is-Scott Adkins. He was fair but really had no charisma. No wonder the dog never helped him.

Hard to believe the sherrif & gang gave him back his bag when they had him clearly surrounded. Well, they had to move the film along.

Also, the invulnerable lead who can recover from bullet wounds to the limbs and still use them with force is so old now.

But it was like a SciFi channel flick. Enjoy with friends, cheap wine and pizza or similar.
