A 5.9? That high?

THIS was an awful movie. What was the budget? 500 bucks with half of them being coupons?

I started to watch but this whole thing about being buried alive, stuck in a phone booth, locked in a trunk and THAT is all we see is old and annoying.

Especially when it is as badly done as this.

This character actually believes this is how the SS trains people?

And then the extremely lame ending.

The acting in the box got annoying as hell after about 10 minutes. Thankfully this was on cable so I switched to Bugs Bunny cartoons which make more sense and are more realistic than this piece of overly contrived crappola. Then switched over to the last ten minutes and thought, this guy really is stupid.

But the ending was just the worst.

Thank the gods I didn't have to sit through this in a theatre. WHAT it was actually in two theatres? REALLY?

I cannot imagine anyone was still there by the time this dreck was over.

Awful movie.

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety


You know nothing about movies obviously. The script was different. The main actor pulled it off perfectly. The ending was outstanding. Go watch Freddy Got Fingered and then you will see a really bad movie.
