Black People are...

... leaders in indoctrinating their children into religion as a result of being outcast, disrespected by self-righteous elders, and possibly having their lives drastically affected.

I'm in the first 35mins of this film and wow, that church scene where he stands infront of him brought back many memories... too bad many children aren't able to withstand the pressure of adults OR conform to survive then do away with the childish beliefs.

The thing is, I'm sure this movie is pro-religious and by the end he'll be some book quoting zombie with a big grin on his face... tsk tsk... and Spike complains about films like django, THIS, this film is disrespectful, and poisonous of young minds.


You should have finished the film...


I never said id stopped watching... my statement still stands.


I'm sure you would say the same thing about white people and "pie"'


Makes no sense "to me" at all.


it makes as much sense as that idiotic comment you wrote.


Actually religion was a tool whites used to brain wash blacks during slavery and it's been passed on from generation to generation.


U actually wasted time to make this post and for what gain? I actually commented because just like this post both are opinion but yet still unnecessary.. And of only one race is human try using that next time u stopped by cops, being followed by an armed community patrol leader or trying to get a loan..


ah, i see my forum name flies over your head

Actually religion was a tool whites used to brain wash blacks during slavery and it's been passed on from generation to generation.

this is exactly a part of what i mean, its blindly continue as the only way to live, and was once used as a means of mental stability for the horrors they faced, blacks still go through harsh times and religion is def. that staple, so they continue to indoctrinate, and if you sway from that religious culture your most likely socially outcast, not that thats completely bad, but it is def. a harder life as other's only see you as black



People of all colors have used religion to dominate and justify whatever the hell they wanted to do---not just black people, and you know that. Don't put that on just us.


Of course, but I'm talking about the films context... and as a black guy, I see it as deterrence, as we are one of the more religious pieces in America, with black women being very very religious, and my point is its all due to history and fear of change
