christopher Llyod, why?

Christopher Llyod is the Co-creator and producer of Modern Family. He must be raking it in. Why the hell is he making this crap?? was the script that good? cant have been for the money.
Do not watch this film. I havnt seen it but the posters look awful


I havnt seen it but the posters look awful

I will never understand people that jump to such extreme conclusions before even watching the movie. You're so eager to judge.

The real trick to life is not to be in the know, but to be in the mystery. -Fred Alan Wolf


He is the only good part in it, but I really don't see why he would do this type of crappy movie.


Wrong Christopher Llyod. There are two. The actor from this and BTTF and the screenwriter/producer who did Modern Family.


Why does Sid Haig sign on to movies at a whim? $$$$


It can be any number of reasons. Money, favor for a friend in the industry, love of the part/script/genre/etc. And it's not like he had to do more than a day's worth of work, anyway. So why not?


That's a different Christopher Lloyd doing Modern Family.
