Phyrne and Jack - Frustrating!

Like many people who watched this show, I loved Phyrne and Jack, and their chemistry together. The tension between the two was exciting and their "almosts" were fun. BUT it's incredibly frustrating they only kiss the two times, and the one was just a tactic for the case. Why couldn't the audience get more of them together in a substantial way? Why did it have to be the last episode of the series, and then she's gone? I'm not proposing a good chunk of the episodes be devoted to their canoodling, but it's sad this was how it played out. Also, when will they just announce there won't be a series 4 already? It seems obvious there won't be. Maybe a movie, especially in this age of Kickstarter, but that only amounts to one and a half episodes of the show, so not very satisfying (for me at least).

I hope I haven't complained too much. I've truly enjoyed this show in every way, but there's all this build up of tension and no release. There isn't much closure in it for me. I think they are one of those rare onscreen couples who are truly a great team (and not just in solving murders).


Lol. Me, too. I'm always going to Jack: "Kiss her, you idiot!"


Personally, I LOVED how they built the relationship slowly (he WAS married when they met after-all) and how you watched as both of them became more and more aware of what was developing. She's a challenging woman with some serious sexual history which would be tough for a guy like him, in that situation, to adjust to and accept. Phryne, being who she is, wouldn't settle for ANYONE who was incapable of accepting her just as she is. They've had conversations, albeit short ones, about her sexual history and his discomfort with it.

So when he got out of his car and started trotting over to her and she jumped out of the plane to go meet him halfway, I was up off the sofa screaming:YESYESYES!!! Like some kind of madwoman on an adrenaline high  I've been waiting 3 seasons for that kiss and I LOVED IT! There's no cliffhanger as far as I'm concerned. She got back in that plane with BOTH of them knowing that she'd be coming back to him and he'd be waiting. As I see it, it's the perfect place to leave off in preparation for S/4… which will be about what happens next with all her "experience" and his… probably "not so much"! They have more hurdles to get over than Hugh and Dot EVER did. That was just religion (just kidding ). With Phryne and Jack it's SEX… and of course her need to be "the one on top" both metaphorically AND in the boudoir!

I CAN'T WAIT!!!        

Binge with your buddies or be a party ALL BY YOURSELF!


I've just watched the last episode and loved the banter and then the kiss. However, then Jack playfully says, "I always feared another man would sweep you away from me. I never thought it would be your father."
To which Phryne says--and it's the very last line of the show--"There's a whole world out there, Jack. He's the least of your worries."
I wish she hadn't said that. It made me feel as though she still considered herself a free agent. For just a second, you can see a puzzled, maybe hurt look on Jack's face, then he smiles.
I'm going with the general consensus that they're together, but I was disappointed and wish the season had just ended with the kiss especially since we still don't know if there will be a movie or Season 4.
Did anyone else feel this way? Maybe I'm making something out of nothing because Jack is my favorite character and I want him to be happy!



I enjoyed the development of their relationship, and I understand why Jack waited so long, and as much as I love seeing them finally together, I don't think their relationship will last if she doesn't change some of her ways, now that she is with him.

"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." ~Albert Einstein
