Missed episode

Somehow we missed the second to the last episode of season one. We DVR all of them, even reruns. Anyone know when it was on? Such a great show.


Correction, it was the third to the last. With the circus.



Yes, it is strange. As I did end up with 2 reruns and the last episode of Season 1. Very odd. I get it on Ovation. Thank you for responding


My DVR did not record that episode either. It's strange that it happened the week they switched from Saturday night to Friday morning airings. Luckily, I got the disc with that episode through a Netflix account because this episode picked up with the Murdoch Foyle story which carried through to the end of the season.


All 3 seasons are on Netflix US, if that is any help.

I've had my dvr suddenly decide it didn't need to record something for me, also, and it's annoying. We have a dvr from our cable company, and we were told it was fragged (fragmented) and it didn't know where to start recording all the time. They replaced it and told us not to turn it off. Ever. He gave me a weird explanation if you're actually interested, but the point is, if your dvr starts skipping more shows, you may want to look into the health and well being of the poor machine.

It must hurt to be fragged. At least, it sounds like it would.


I wonder if it's possible to defrag it?


That's what the cable company (or their tech support) does. But, they just give their customers a clean dvr. We lost everything that was stored and waiting to be watched, and I had to reprogram all the series (about 3-4, not so many) that we record.



I don't know if it will help Mrytle but: Original air date/ 5-4-2012. Episode 1 x 11 "Blood & Circuses".

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Binge with your buddies OR, be a party ALL BY YOURSELF! ~ JTB


We missed the episode with the young girls in school, Season 1, episode 9.
