Danny Dyer

This film is an obvious one for a major player like the Dy-ster to be involved with . I can't understand it? Where is he?



Dyer a major player? He churns out 2 or 3 straight to DVD a month that usually end up in a bargain bin within a week of release


Danny Dyer a major player ?? in which fantasy realm did you wake up in today ?


The Wanker Dyer shouldn't be allowed on film anywhere anytime! I can't see why he's getting any attention at all.

Although he was kinda funny in The Business where he couldn't pronounce R - more like J. So "drugs" became "djugs" and that was just effing hilarious!


Where is he? Working at Primark I think.

Sethghecko Out!


I think your sarcasm detectors are not working.


I think your sarcasm detectors are not working as my comment was clearly a joke.

Sethghecko Out!


I'm pretty sure I caught a glimpse of him driving a bus down Borough High Street.

It's too cerebral! We're trying to make a movie here, not a film!
