MovieChat Forums > Storage 24 (2012) Discussion > Copying Prometheus music much?

Copying Prometheus music much?

This film looked promising until they copied the Prometheus music from one of the Prometheus trailers. What happened to being original?

And I realize Alien did it first, but Alien & Prometheus is by the same director so it's not like Prometheus copied anything.

Last seen: Lincoln (6/10)


I was thinking that myself...even the trailer is trying to be Alien-like...

Nowadays trailers are all pretty much set by certain standards until something better comes along...then they all rip that off.

First trailer that comes to mind that wa copied was Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake. That was indeed a nice trailer. Had many clones.

Then the Star Trek trailer....

Then the holy of holy trailers for Inception....that broke new ground and is still copied years later. It's as if it set the tone for how a trailer should look. Whoever is responsible...kudos to them for editing that trailer together...but wow.... it tainted everything.

I wanna see trailers go old school again just for fun.


If they are going to copy at least they are copying from the best scifi movies ever made


From the moment the movie started I noticed that the music sounded a lot like the original Alien,then we had a monster that liked to use air vents and leave slime everywhere. Then there were all the copy like scenes, the engineer going into the basement with pipes and dripping water reminded me of when they went looking for the cat in Alien. Then there were other scenes like opening a cealing tile and popping your head up (aliens), then crawling in the air vents (alien), then having the monster behind a sheet of plastic (alien 3), having the monster thrash about in a puff of smoke (alien), the monster examing the girl and putting his face up to hers (alien 3) and many more sences that were just a complete rip off of scenes that were in the alien movies.

Who ever made this must have been an alien fan.
