Don't get it.

The female friend - not the (ex)girlfriend - wasn't she killed in the bathroom? She looks up at the drop ceiling, then we cut to her screaming, but she's alive in the next scene!

Always remember to wear a helmet when caving, and carry three light sources


Just saw this.... Yeah I was wondering that too. You clearly hear a female scream and it was after she looked up at the torn out ceiling, so it was just confusing. Then that guy who was supposedly waiting for her, hears a woman scream and goes completely in the opposite direction of the bathroom... Umm ok?


She was frightened by the weird guy there to brush his teeth.


The scream clearly came from the other end of the storage site... not from the bathroom.


Watch again. The scream he hears came from far away, not 5 feet away in the bathroom. And it never shows Nikki, the friend screaming. We only hear it from the candy machine outside and it sounded far away. The only stupid thing was that it was clearly a woman's scream but the movie didn't show us any other women. Maybe it was another random person in the storage unit that was killed off camera, or maybe the main employee just screams like a girl. After all, he did head in his direction and find him shortly after.

