Man this is awkward.

Anyone else get this really awkward vibe? There were several occasions where a I felt few of the roastees crossed the line with the roasted. Like with the joke about steve-o's friend. It looked like he was half about to cry. And The Patrice O Niell's Grandma and his family? It looked like he was gonna choke a bitch. And Tyson seemed like he was faking being a good sport the whole time. He looked like he was about to stand up and knock someone out. Not to mention some of the jokes on charlie. You can't look me in the eyes and tell me that Charlie feels nothing when these people talk about him neglecting his kids. He looked like he had to force a smile on several occasions. He feels it, he just doesn't let it on. I don't know. I feel like a roast should be done by his FRIENDS not by people who've seen him on TV and have jokes. These people don't know him or each other for that matter. I felt the growing hatred that the roasters had for each other. It was crazy.


The only joke I left crossed the line was the ryan dunn joke. That was in poor taste.

Im mean because you're stupid!



I think the Cate Welsh "Sheen, you are a rare, medical specimen, after all the years of medical abuse you've done- The only thing you had removed, where your kids!"

OUCH! It was just slightly over the line!


Patrice is killin it tho. He is so real. I'm watching it now. It looks like he's in his own element. He didn't even have to be vicious. That was a real roast. Everyone else just kinda read the lines that the writers gave them. (Though Mike Tyson just kinda read them really badly.)



These roasts should have nothing but professional comedians. They can dish it out but they also know how to take it.
Whenever i see someone not really being able to handle a joke it ruins the roast for me. That's why the Donald Trump wasn't funny to me, because Trump sat there with a fake smile the whole night and didn't enjoy a minute.

But guys like David Hasselhoff and William Shatner were great on their own roasts, the dais had more professionals and so their roasts were funny.


When the white chick told the joke about Patrice and his grandmama, I thought it was hilarious when they cut to Patrice saying to Seth, "And that BITCH was sittin next to my ass the whole time???!"


As far as I am concerned, a roast is not a roast without any awkward jokes. I thought Amy Schumer and Anthony Jeselnik killed. Mike Tyson was a nut case and hysterical. I thought this was a great roast. I taped the third showing, and I do not understand why the word "down" was bleeped considering everything else that was said. Offensive is part of the game and what I expect. Over the line? Yes! I thought Patrice O'Neal was the best of the night.


The jokes about his children custody was very Unnecessary


Have you ever seen a Roast? They always are like this. There is no line to cross. And at the end of each Roast they actually end up praising the roasted. It's all in good fun, anyone who can be offended by jokes shouldn't have been there.

Canadian Bacon - 7/10
Beneath the Planet of the Apes - 7/10


to the person who said charlie seemed offended.. Jeff Ross went on Charlie's tour with him and came out and roasted him on 12 diff occations. so, im sure charlie was ready for anything by the time his comedy central roast came..


yeah i can see your point. this roast was not one of the best. sheen is a pretty "big" name that comedy central got this time so it was the highest rated roast to date and i'm guessing it will also get a DVD release, more power to them. but it was just not great. i don't know about crossing the line, most of it was pretty much what these roasts are all about. depends on the joke i guess, and Amy Schumer mentioning Ryan Dunn's death for barely a joke that steve-o did not seem to take well (and rightly so) was probably the only moment i thought "come on, really?".
i agree some of the roasters should be friends of the roastee, but not necessarily ALL of them. and many of the previous roast pretty much kept that balance. but probably not this one. still, there were a few good jokes, Jesselnik was the strongest IMO. but for the most part, yes, somewhat awkward.

oh well, better roast next time!
