Tyson Ruined It

Not only was his roast ridiculous, but his constant interrupting of all the other roasters became annoying real fast. Please don't bring him back for any further roasts. Fail.


I fail to see how the hell he got there in the first place. You don't invite a rapist has-been douchnozzle like him to a roast...


His one funny line was when he was talking about biting his own ears own so he didnt have to listen to jeff ross any more, but apart from that yeah he stood out in a really bad awkward way. Dont invite him back FFS!

Im mean because you're stupid!


"I fail to see how the hell he got there in the first place. You don't invite a rapist has-been douchnozzle like him to a roast... "

I know eh?

Considering this roast was for Model Citizen of The Year, otherwise known as Charlie Sheen, whose wife-beating, cocaine abusing, charged felon ways are merely amusing little quixotic bullet points on his resume, why in the world would Mike Tyson be there?

Can you just shut up, now?



what? you got a hard on for the mentally unstable tyson or something? geez. "can you just shut up now?"?? seriously.... either stop being a btch or stfu

"Pain Transforms The Sensitive Into Cynics"


He's a horrible person who should be no where near a camera.
I loved Amy Schumer roasting him.


Is this the first time you guys have seen a roast? My god people.

They always invite some crazy person to be the butt of all the jokes. Mike Tyson, Gary Busey, Courtney Love, "The Situation". If you don't have people like this on the dais, you can't write as good material. You can only write so many "who is this person?" kind of jokes about the comedians. You need real celebrities there that everyone knows and are easy to make fun of. While Tyson was kinda awkward, he was actually kinda funny and no where near as bad as the train wrecks that were Courtney Love and Mike the Situation.



I didn't like Tyson either. He was alright at the very beginning when he was taking all the jokes in stride, but then he just became annoying as hell. He constantly interrupted, and the camera would constantly cut to him as he would make an ass out of himself laughing it up.

Not to mention the fact that most of the roasters focused on him instead of Charlie.. kind of stole the show in a bad way if you ask me.

Also, Tyson's roast was not that funny. Half the time I couldn't understand him, and the other half I was wondering what the hell he was doing with his jacket. Fidgety much?



You need real celebrities there that everyone knows and

Precisely. Many of the people I didn't know who they were... and still don't...


While I agree with what you're saying, despite how awful The Situation, Busey, and Love may be, none of them have actually raped someone. (For the situation, at least not that we know of). ..so...
I mean Comedy Central is writing Tyson a paycheck and putting him on public television. I don't care if it's to make fun of him, it's really not cool.

There are plenty of famous idiots out there.


Will you self-righteous holier-than-though douche bags stfu?!?!

Tyson is one of the funniest (although unintentionally) athletes of our time... Search for "Mike Tyson quotes" on youtube and you'll understand. But anyway, I found his joke about Seth stealing from "Homer" to be hilarious!


My English sucks I guess, I didn't understand a word of it.


He was pointless...every year they bring someone who shouldn't be there to vary the roasters.



Uh..I can't stand him. He's so annoying and stupid. He is the joke.

"Say anything about me, dahling, as long as it isn't boring."-Tallulah Bankhead



The way he was constantly trying to button that jacket and then giving up after a few seconds only to try it again a minute later was totally distracting


"The way he was constantly trying to button that jacket and then giving up after a few seconds only to try it again a minute later was totally distracting"

Bhahaha I know, right? I was thinking the same damn thing.


I thought Tyson was great. He was a complete nut case. Sometimes the people on the dais get roasted more than the person getting roasted. I thought that about the Donald Trump roast. I liked Patrice O'Neal's joke about not liking that white peopel are comfortable around him now.


Are you kidding? He had the funniest joke of the night with the one about stealing from Homer.


Agreed, that was easily the best jab at Seth the whole night.


I disagree, he was one of the funniest when I could understand what he was saying.


Agree with the OP. He was distracting and annoying. I never want to see him at another roast again.
