Mike Tyson is so unstable

I wouldn't be surprised if Mike Tyson one day kills somebody out of anger. Throughout the roast he went from pretending to take his licks in stride to almost tearing Amy Schumer to shreds. It's so uncomfortable to watch him. It's like he's mentally unsound at certain points to being just very stupid. He tries to fit in by pretending to go with the flow but he looks so awkward doing it; like a chimp imitating human behavior.

I personally don't like the man because he's a convicted rapist. And even before then he wasn't much to me. The world of boxing and professional sports in general don't interest me. But it's curious seeing a ticking time bomb like Mike Tyson for a good while and just not seeing a mentally sound person there.



I like how after Seth McFarlane made some joke about he followed it with "please dont murder me" lol


Uncomfortable for me to watch him as well. I wanted him to shut up and stop heckling the roasters. I hope he won't be at any more roasts in the future.



Chill out or Mike Tyson might eat your ears.


He reminded me of Courtney Love at Pam Anderson's roast: always shouting back retorts, being obnoxious, and overall just acting like the show is all about them.
