Please post what time you went, how full was your theater, what trailers were shown, and the audience's reaction.


I went to a 2:30 PM screening in 3D. The theater was about half full, with mostly families. There were some adults on their own.
The trailers I got were,
The Lego Batman Movie
Kubio and the Two Strings
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2
The Secret Life of Pets

The response was lukewarm with kids mostly laughing, though only at the really crude jokes. One joke about some of the birds" getting busy" from Josh Gad got shocking gasp from parents who were surprised to hear that. I didn't care for the movie as too many of the jokes misfired with the thin plot having been streched too far (I counted 4 music montages that we're obviously put in to extend the running time to 93 mins).


450 pm showing Saturday of opening weekend, mayyyybe 1/6 of theater full, same gasp at the crude "ladies will be laying eggs tonight" joke. Gross. Other than that and one "that sucks" (a word I'm trying to discourage my kids from saying) we got a kick out of it.


5/27, 6:40 PM

Maybe a quarter full

Ice Age, TMNT, Nine Lives, Laika thing, Secret Lives of Pets

Positive audience (one guy loved the "pig latin" joke)





Went to the 12:25 today. There was not a lot of people there. The only part that people laughed at was when the Eagle was taking a leak in the wisdom waters after Bomb and Chuck swam in and drank the water. The rest of the time it was quiet. I chuckled but didn't really laugh out loud.

The trailers I remember seeing was Lego Batman and Ice Age.


June 21, 1:30 pm.

Only 4 people including myself (2 kids and 2 adults).

The kids laughed like at 5 scenes during the movie, but they were otherwise really quiet.

The trailers: Ice age 5, and The BFG.
