MovieChat Forums > The Angry Birds Movie (2016) Discussion > Content Advisory needs serious update

Content Advisory needs serious update

I saw this with my kids yesterday and the content advisory needs some serious work. I tried to edit to better reflect the actual movie but it wouldn't let me for some reason. Is there another place to edit that? Anybody that is able want to add more info. The biggest thing, to me, were the many instances of words clearly intended to sound like profanity though not technically profanity.

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i think your letting your imagination (or your dirty mind) get the better of you.

I saw it Saturday and there is not one word of profanity in the film.

Peopel should just go see a movie and if
they like it great, if not, they can ask for their $$ back.

It's really stupid how we we 'examine' movie to pieces these days. Just go see it and then decide if you want a refund or not. If you'vbe been offended, then you got a lot of nerve calling yourself an adult.

The More You Help Others,
The More Your Life's Enhanced.👫 Happipuppi13


You are flocking deaf then.


Did you even read my post? I specifically said there was no actual profanity but there were quotes that were clearly intended to sound like it. There's just no other explanation for a phrase like "a bunch of angry flocking birds" than that it's supposed to sound like "angry effing birds". It wouldn't make any sense otherwise.

Again, did you read my post? Because getting your money back doesn't cause your kids to unhear things you don't want them to hear or repeat, which was why I asked specifically about editing the parental advisory section so that parents know what to expect. Notice that I did not create a thread about how terrible this is or that it should be banned or anything ridiculous or worthy of your condescension. I created a threat about editing the portion of the site that let's parents know what to expect. That is all.

You have a lot of nerve calling yourself adult with your abysmal reading comprehension.

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Why not Zoidberg? (\/)(;,;)(\/)


i remember a 'oh pluck my life' line too


I recommend sites such as and for movie reviews. One word of caution: the later is Christian based. I don't know what your believes are, but they ding movies for stuff like witchcraft and mentioning other religions.


Knowing about their blatant bigotry and over-sensitivity with religion why would you recommend to anyone? If you didn't receive their pamphlet in between the sermons there's no excuse to navigate to that site. Especially seeing their ridiculous verdict of the movie in question.

"Pluck my life"? Honestly the kids aren't going to pick up the word or the habit from this. Probably they heard a dozen legitimate swear expressions during the movie theater visit and the time spent watching the movie was easiest on them.


I recommended them because they do a pretty good job of explaining all of a film's potentially offensive content (such as violent acts, foul language, and sexual content) even though I might not agree with their age recommendation.


I read their descriptions and all it looked like to me was a group of adults with too
much time on their hands and who are denying that these offensive things exist in real life.

People are going to watch things no matter what they say, unless
they themselves are as devout in the religious and personal beliefs.

I think what they don't get is, the best way to protect kids is too tell them about things in a way they can understand. Kids are growing up everyday, little by little and making things shameful and trying to hide them from view, only makes them more curios later as to why it's such a 'big deal'. (When really it's not.)

I can't believe in this day and age we still have th kind of parents who can't just talk to their kids about things, instead of these avoidance tactics. In short, their too chicken to sit down with their kids and answer their questions.

Sheltering them is not the answer. ...and as someone who grew up sheltered from many of life's realities, I can tell you it's not a pleasant thing to get older and find out the world isn't exactly what you were told (or not told) that is was.

It took me a long time to adjust to the fact that life's not perfect, so why
should this be any more denied in a movie? Kids need truth, not adults revisions of it.

The More You Help Others,
The More Your Life's Enhanced.👫 Happipuppi13


Please go back to your mom blog. Nobody here wants your parenting advice.

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Why not Zoidberg? (\/)(;,;)(\/)


Don't like it?

....Move to a country where no one is allowed to say what they want.

What the heck is 'Mom blog?' I only post messages on IMDb and other entertainment sites.

The More You Help Others,
The More Your Life's Enhanced.👫 Happipuppi13


Get back to us after you've raised a couple of kids and maybe then we'll take your "advice" seriously.


Fowl language? *snickers*



I just read review. Funny they didn't catch that Chuck had obvious hots for male characters.
