MovieChat Forums > Hatfields & McCoys (2012) Discussion > So why in the blue hell is the History C...

So why in the blue hell is the History Channel...

...nothing but reality shows, drama laden shows (such as this), and pseudoscience (Ancient Aliens)?

Seriously, I understand the criticisms that the network had back in '04-'05 when it was nothing but the "Hitler Channel," but at least it was historical in some context. What value do shows like "Pawn Stars" bring to the historical perspective in any way? Gauging the value of someone's items isn't history either.

What has gone wrong with the History Channel? Is it just a reaction to the "dumbing" down of American society? Any ideas?


Pawn Stars, basically looks at american artifacts and tells you about them, and learn something in the process, same with pickers. This, is actually telling the story of a historical event in a entertaining way, but seeing how it is a three part series, I would have liked it to been a 3 hour theatrical movie. But I agree on Ancient Aliens, and several other shows. I think they do it, so they compete with other channels.

HI *beep* YA
Nicholas Cage Deadfall


I agree completely...well, except about Ancient Aliens, which I do enjoy and see some value in (even if it's more entertainment than educational/historical.) I adore all of the Discovery network channels and the similar ones, but even they feel the need to loosen up sometimes and air programming that isn't all utterly factual, proven material.

I like you, Um. I like largeness...


Problem is if they would have made H&M a 3 hour film it would have seemed rushed and they would have omited a lot of things. It probably would have just focused on Randl and Devil Anse. Costner did an interview on the Tavis Smiley PBS show (it's actually in podcast format now on itunes) in which he says a 3 hour film wouldn't have done the story justice. So they went in the mini series direction with it so they could give you more characters who were involved with the tension.
Pawn Stars and American Pickers are both good shows, but played way too much. They are mini history lessons by the items they find in everyday America's homes.
The shows I don't understand being on HISTORY are Ice Road Truckers and Swamp People.
I wish HISTORY would do more films like this. This could be a new avenue for them to travel with original history based films. I wouldn't mind them showing more history based movies in general.


I agree with the overall point, but this looks like the best history channel offering in a long time.


Pawn Stars is educational.


As much as I hate reality TV and especially Pawn Stars and Pickers, they at least pretend to operate in some realm of the universe where history is relevant.

The unfortunate reality is that reality shows are dirt cheap to make. Their audiences are usually very small but they are loyal.

As for the Ancient Aliens thing...I'm not sure where that came from. Maybe because it has something to do with an imagined history?

Has there been a change the last few years among the leadership of the History Channel?

I don't understand why they can't just do quality historical documentaries, original programming like this, and play other miniseries, movies and TV shows to fill the rest of the time.

You could have a block that looks something like this:

5pm: Reality Show like Pawn Stars or something.
6pm: Historical technological marvels show.
7pm: World History Special
8pm: Military History special
9pm: Cultural history special
10pm: Prime-time historical movie (2-2.5 hours)


They should bring back Movies in Time where a historical film such as Zuluor Bridge on the River Kwai would be shown. At 20 minute intervals, a panel of historians, professors, and journalists would discuss how historically accurate the film is.

Another program with a fair amount of substance was Hard Cover History where recently published history books were discussed by the author.

The History Channel also has a fairly descent archive of shows from 1995-2006 such as Historys Mysteries, Historical Viewpoint, Historys Lost and Found, the History of Britain, Worst Jobs in History that could be rerun.

Does anyone remember when the History Channel used to be about history?

I do like the idea of the historical mini series on the Vikings.


Rick says he reads a lot everyday.


After 21 years of seeing it all, he ought to know everything.

I could care less, but I don’t care enough to bother.


I'm no scholar but some of the general history they know I know. I'm a history buff as is Rick. No big deal. As for HC in general, I like some of their shows. That said, you think HC is bad, look at the crap on TLC. You know, The Learning Channel. Long Island Medium, Mama's Boys of the Bronx, My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding, etc. Horrible crap.


The Biography Channel has gone to the dogs. I used to love that channel but now all they show are Paranormal Shows. And occasionally an episode of Biography.



I wish the History Channel would take all that alien garbage and cram it up their colons.


amen, next thing they will say the wright brothers were visited by aliens and eli whitney got the idea for the cotton gin from an alien lint picker blah blah. are ppl not smart enough to invent anything. were basically talking to each other across the world right now from chunks of metal and plastic. i guess steve jobs didnt die he just went home with E.T. these alien shows are a pathetic bunch of dumb smart ppl bullsh***ing about their fantasy brainfarts and calling it history.



And remember when there were actual music videos on MTV, VH1 and CMT? And up to the minute weather on The weather channel? They all have to adapt to stay on the air.

Kevin finally found his real calling....the miniseries. That way his movies can be as long as he wants. I never had a problem with his long theatrical releases. If a movie's good, then 3 hours isn't too much. If it's bad, 1 hour is too much. I'm sure we'll find there are things he could've (and maybe should've) left out of this one, but, at least it's 3 nights in a row.


because in order for a tv channel/network to remain on the air, people have to watch what is on it. They found shows that people like to watch and have ran with it

