Randall McCoy is

I'm not sure if the show is completely accurate as I don't know every detail of the feud, but damn Randall McCoy definitely didn't fully return from the war. He sure seems like an impossible person to get along with.
I've only seen the first episode so far but I don't expect he will change. Especially after seeing him going schiZo about Roseanna.
By the way big thumbs up on this series.


He was too God-obsessed and the way he refused his own daughter was horrible.
Not really a likeable figure he was.

Boycott movies that involve real animal violence! (and their directors too)


I felt Randall was a very straightforward, just and unforgiving individual. He was a man who wasnt able to cope with the everday unjustice of the world and thats what destroyed him and his mind. I dont think he was a bad person, I just think he was too rightous for the sort of world he lived in.
