Stranger In My Bed

Jamie Luner and Chris Kramer starred in Stranger in My Bed. Same premise, an abusive husband and woman fakes her death, but so much better than this movie.


i heard good things about 'stranger in my outhouse'. tho, hard to find.

Hey, sprechen sie talk?


And sleeping with the enemy and Enough.

If you can't walk and talk/text at the same time, do the rest of us a favor and get out of the way.


Chris Kramer is cute as a button, a perfect young leading man, but, surprisingly, plays heavies very well. He was one scary SOB in that movie. I remember seeing him in another where he played a dirty cop. A mean, dirty cop. Probably has a ball playing against type.


I never thought about it before, but yeah it is just like Stranger in My Bed.


Yes. Pathetic the similarities.
