2/10 at best

the director made this movie for the sake of making it .He needs to go back to film school learn how to tell a compelling story without using .Jackass-esque type techniques to get peoples attention .Its one thing if your a child trying to get your parent's attention .It's another thing if your a adult being and attention whore by any means.It's pathetic to all you hipster indie fan boys who want to argue with me .Drop to your knees and service my man hood suck it hard and suck it good .You know i'm right ,tracy lords character served its purpose and she does a good job.anna lynne mccord you can tell was put through the wringer the director in the process.Of shocking his audience wanted to see how far he could push thr actor into doing things

"You are the imagination of yourself"-bill hicks


Looks like the director succeeded if it got you this emotional. You got your moneys worth.


"Looks like the director succeeded if it got you this emotional".The emotional part of that is purely .Alcohol fueled (i was drunk) i agree with you on one thing.I did get my money's worth when purchasing that 6 pack of beer the night i watched this POS.I streamed this for free off of 1channel (thank god) they should have a new category.In the indie film market, they should name the category "Frivolous films ".

"You are the imagination of yourself"-bill hicks


Jesus *beep* Christ...have you never typed a sentence before in your life? I mean...seriously. Your terrible typing, spelling, and punctuation makes it very difficult to get your point across. You can't even properly space a period, what is wrong with you?


what is wrong with you?

Maybe the answer is here:


Drop to your knees and service my man hood suck it hard and suck it good

When someone's wish is not fulfilled it goes on nerves.




Honestly I'm only 40 minutes in, but unless it takes a STEEEEEEP dive, this movie is perfection.

It's as if Todd Solondz wrote and directed May.

Oh my god, Leland Palmer just showed up!!


He might of made a entertaining movie but thats where the buck stops .

"You are the imagination of yourself"-bill hicks


How can it be a two if its entertaining.Its at least a 6 or a 7,It had some genuine laugh out loud moments


At 40 minutes in, I was thinking how brilliant the movie was.

At the end, I was thinking how pointless it was.

