MovieChat Forums > Excision (2012) Discussion > Don't waste your time *few spoilers*

Don't waste your time *few spoilers*

Picked this up on a whim in the new releases section awhile back. There were some good reviews on the box from some horror film sites I visit regularly, so what the hell...seemed worth the $15. Yikes. While I can appreciate the efforts of a first-time writer/director, I just had a hard time seeing what he was trying to do here. The movie is repetitive...achingly so. My buddy and I figured the movie is basically made up of four scenes, which repeat themselves over and over until the "shocking" climax. Girl wakes up in the throes of an orgasm from her bloody and disturbing dreams, girl goes to school where she is generally terrible to everyone and in turn is miserable herself, girl prays to a God she supposedly doesn't believe in, and girl has argument at dinner table with well-meaning but overbearing mother. Cut to next violent dream, as cycle starts all over again.
The biggest issue I had with this movie was the absolute lack of sympathy for Pauline. If we had reason to feel even the slightest bit bad for her and the life she finds herself in, it would have made a better movie, for me anyway. She's clearly disturbed, and that's not her fault, but she's also an awful person who just likes to make life miserable for everyone around her, and that is her fault. She doesn't go to class (yet aspires to be a surgeon), she argues with her teachers, and she treats her family (except sis) with total disdain and bitterness.
I'm a longtime horror fan, especially of anything that's trying to do something new and push boundaries. But I just couldn't get on board with this one. The story was too thin, and combined with an unlikeable protagonist, it just didn't work for me.


She's clearly disturbed, and that's not her fault, but she's also an awful person who just likes to make life miserable for everyone around her, and that is her fault.

uhh this sentence steps on itself.. If she is disturbed (Which isn't her fault), then why couldn't her being awful be related to her being disturbed, making that also not her fault...


really? i felt so sad for her during the scene where she was eavesdropping and heard her mother say that she is "impossible to love."


Agreed cherry_doll. I was on Pauline's side the whole movie... kids don't just randomly decide they want to have horrible relationships with their family and their schoolmates. She was crying out for help and love. Her mom coming to her toward the end of the movie and apologizing seemed to speak volumes... ignoring Pauline had obviously been something her parents thought was ok. ug.


It worked for me. I think everyone should see it and decide for themselves; as long as they can handle the gruesome content.
