MovieChat Forums > Excision (2012) Discussion > Has a movie ever been created where...

Has a movie ever been created where... would actually be a psychological test to the viewers?

For example, what if the movie was actually a test to see if a viewer is a psychopath.

The movie would have many moments in which normal people would not understand but a a psychopath would CLEARLY understand. At the end of the movie it would show

The test is over

then would quickly reveal what was actually going on in the minds of the person or persons though every moment then fade to black and show

if you have understood x amount of these moment then you may be a psychopath.

or some sort of way to make it dramatic where the audience would be caught off guard what the movie was actually about.

I don't think I've ever seen a movie like that but not sure how challenging it would to be to create one.


Do you think you need to see a movie like that?


Are you for real? You need a movie to tell you if you're a psychopath? Um, why not just see a therapist?

Why would a film maker bother making a movie to prove the viewers are psychopaths?

Filmmaker: "I'd like to make a movie, see, where we fool the viewer into thinking it's a real movie, but in the end we get to this ha-ha moment where we tell the person who paid to see it that this is nothing more than a way to insult them!"

Money Guys: "Yeah!!!! Here's 80 million dollars!"



Yeah, and once you find out that you are a psychopath from a movie, you can go on and kill everyone in the theater!

My job is to watch stupid movies and complain about them on IMDB


People have ALWAYS tried to use movies to psychoanalyze other people. When I was young, you were considered a sick deviant if you liked violent horror movies (it was even ILLEGAL to own certain horror movies in the UK).

They've laid off horror a little bit, but there's still porn. If you enjoy porno movies, you must be a socially maladjusted "porn addict". If you like "roughie"/rape scenarios, you must be a closet rapist. If you like BDSM, you must be a sexual sadist. If you like "barely legal" porn or strippers in schoolgirl outfits, you must be a closet pedophile.

But ALL these suppositions are garbage science. For instance, all of these things are much more popular in Japanese movies than in American yet they have a much lower incidence of rape, murder, or child sexual abuse there than they do in the US. That's because movies and reality are very different things. That seems obvious, but so many people continue not to get it.


I always had my parent on my case, scolding me for playing violent video games like Doom, Quake etc..

My job is to watch stupid movies and complain about them on IMDB


I think if it was that simple, you wouldn't need trained psychoanalysts and psychiatrists.
