Hair (spoiler)

Just wondering...why did Pauline shave her head before the big operation?

Rest In Peace
Adrienne Shelly


I'm guessing because, in her "surgeon mode", she didn't want her hair to infect her patients.

"C''re better than that!"


The poster above me is bang on with the answer. It's a general practise when your serving food or working in the kitchen or during surgery to wear a cap so that hair doesn't fall and infect it. Hence u always see chefs with caps too


How about more like she was friggin' nuts?


To make her look more maniacal.

"Sorry detective. There was a fish... IN the percolator."


Ya wanna know the best part? The actress was told she would need to really shave her head for the role, I think it was in the producer's office, & while he expected her to leave, she instead grabbed (I think) a letter opener (or something), & tried to start hacking off her locks; the guy stopped her & said you're hired. He basically thought "OMG, she's nuts, I gotta have her in my movie!"
