MovieChat Forums > Excision (2012) Discussion > From Beauty to Monster

From Beauty to Monster

What a transformation for AnnaLynne McCord! She generally tends to play the "hot chick" in movies and tv shows but in this she plays this physically grotesque sociopath who is neither physically or emotionally appealing at all. Quite impressive! Reminds me of Charlize Theron's transformation to unappealing disturbing killer in Monster. McCord is completely gorgeous in real life so I'm curious (other than "make up" and "acting") how she/the director pulled that transformation off. Did she have oral implants or something that effected her jaw/facial structure? Did they use a body double at all for especially unappealing close up shots? Or was this mostly just greasy hair and revolting personality alone ("acting")? Only during her dreams do you see her with some beauty but of course that's purposefully juxtaposed with the blood filled sex fantasies which are disturbing (unless you are into that kind of thing).

And speaking of beauty, did anyone else find a real parallel to the movie American Beauty? Same kind of dark sad objective feel to the film. Same concept of whats real beauty versus fake beauty. Same notion of the outsider but intelligent teenager actually being the one worth more than the plastic beauty queens. In fact I watched the whole film thinking ok we are supposed to be on her side because we are the only one that understands that shes really a good person and a genius and has been mistreated by lacking parents, uncaring society blah blah. Then that's all completely ripped away at the end of course when we are forced to see what she really is. Suddenly there is no one left to have faith in. Not the main character. Not the horrible mom. Not the spineless dad. Not the empty mean girl school mates or the useless religious figurehead who cant help. No one. And the only character consistently appealing and worth investing in lies dead for no good reason at all. So in the end is it just a condemnation of humanity? Or a simple suburban tragedy?


I get the American Beauty thing - that movie popped into my head a few times while I watched this one. You're right, it had a similar type of tone though I can't quite put my finger on it. Maybe the tense dinner scenes,or the over-perfectionist mother who has contempt for her spineless husband, or the awkward anti-social teen vs the outwardly perfect popular teen. Loved the black comedic elements of both films also.
