

i. Deliberately blowing up the space station... thus littering low-earth orbit with tons and tons of debris -- some it every small -- that will threaten all future space missions.

Dekkom was using Dutch Boy to destroy half the Earth so I don't think he was concerned too much with space debris.

ii. The President's biometrics are the kill code (or whatever it was called)... And, if the President should be obliterated in an accident, there's no immediate available backup? Which could then be used for the kill code instead of the President?

Yeah that was stupid.

iii. Gerard Butler's coded message to his brother... man, how long did he have to compose and rehearse that speech to nail down the exact words critical to its understanding?

Who knows, unless he is a savant then it would have been easy.

iv. The entire population of Rio de Janeiro appears to disappear or die, leaving just ONE girl in a bikini, a skirt and flip-flops who runs down a street that inexplicably ends in a blank wall.

Yeah that was stupid too plus the exploding plane didn't harm her as well.

v. Tsunami's -- while very cool to see washing over a city -- are not caused by weather. They are caused by underwater seismic activity.

A giant space laser zapped the ocean which caused a huge tidal wave.

Was a decent movie with some good effects. I think Gerards career is obviously coming to an end.



there isnt any actual science in this movie, just mumbo jumbo.


this movie just plain stank.. not even so bad it's good category.
