MovieChat Forums > The Good Dinosaur (2015) Discussion > Beautiful scenery -- where was it "filme...

Beautiful scenery -- where was it "filmed" ?

Yes, I know it was all computerized imagery -- but the serene farmscape, the stony silo, those piney mist images, the firs, the hills and stony escarpment and water -- the awesome mists and mountains -- were taken from somewhere and imported into the scenes for this film, after some digital modification -- were they not?


I assumed it was supposed to be set somewhere around Yellowstone National Park in WYoming based on the geysers. (mist we saw rising fromt he ground. And the Basin area where he ran into the T-rex family.


Thanks! I've (since posting the question) found out also that the reason this landscape/topography was chosen (Yellowstone/Wyoming) was because of the high number of Dinosaur fossils in the area. Had they not died out, this is indeed where they would have lived. It was really awesome, beautiful scenery. Thanks again!


Plus the accents and the farming suggests it's in that area too. I didn't put two and two together until I read your post. ?
