Pixar's first BAD film??

Yikes, I've been seeing negative reviews for this back and forth (some from overprotective wimpy parents), so it looks like this may be the first bad film from Pixar...

Then again, I didn't see this myself, as I felt it was too little kid friendly, as in kids would love it while adults would cringe at it and feel embarrassed.

Damn shame, Inside Out was a modern masterpiece and what I would claim as the Best Film of 2015.


I think Cars is their worst.This was cute.


I don't think "Cars" is the best example of their work by any means, but I don't think it's their worst. I'd say "Good Dinosaur" is.

"Cars" was subpar for Pixar though.



It isn't the first (e.g. Cars 2) and it won't be the last--people are fallible and Pixar (not just soylent green ) is made of people.


True, true. We all screw up sometimes.


I liked The Good Dinosaur myself, but it is an entirely different type of movie with different aims from Inside Out. Strange as it is to say, Inside Out is more of the intellectual type of movie, while the Good Dinosaur is more emotional. And what I mean by emotional is that it's more meant to be experienced on an emotional level, with image, sound, color, and wonder substituting for dialogue.

So by no means is it a bad movie, but if you watch it expecting it to be the same type of movie as Inside Out (and many people did, apparently), you'll be disappointed. It's more of an old-style survival, find-your-way-home movie.


I see. By bad, I meant that I heard it lost money.


Cars 2 was bad. So was Brave. Monsters University was shallow and derivative. Inside Out wasn't very good, either. This film is just continuing the long, downward trend of a once great animation studio. It's what Disney does: they buy a company or property and slowly suck the life out of it. I mean, look what they did to Star Wars with the execrable The Force Awakens.


I never saw Cars 2, I didn't like Brave, never saw Monsters University, but I loved Inside Out and I did like Force Awakens, but the latter isn't as great as the original trilogy.


The Force Awakens isn't as good as the original saga. The Star Wars franchise has reached a point where it's going to be Lucas' films... and then everybody else's.


Indeed it isn't.

I don't think Lucas is involved anymore actually.


It's what Disney does: they buy a company or property and slowly suck the life out of it. I mean, look what they did to Star Wars with the execrable The Force Awakens.

I couldn't agree more! The Force Awakens was a massive disappointment for me, and they completely missed the mark on the tone of the franchise. I'm trying to keep hope for Rogue one, because I like the concept, but it's not very high hopes.

Who's strangling the cat?


Did you see cars or cars 2? Those were worse by far than this one. Especially cars 2. I thought TGD was cute.


I liked Cars...

But didn't bother seeing the second, thought it looked bad.


Nah, the Good Dinosaur is fine, I still wouldn't consider any Pixar film truly bad. Brave is the closest but even it has it's redeeming factors.

"Unless you're an alien, time traveler, or esper, your opinion doesn't matter."


The animation was fantastic but the whole concept was weird. The messages were just wrong in so many areas. they obviously took a 'what if' scenario and just ran with it. Unfortunately, I think they crew was using copious amounts of banned substances during that meeting

And speaking of banned substances, they even had the two of them getting blitzed in a kids movie. 

I think that's the last time they let Jimmy run the meetings for a while


Pixar movies so far aren't bad IMHO. Their only "average" film is Cars 2. That’s all.
