MovieChat Forums > The Good Dinosaur (2015) Discussion > Why many parents didn't like TGD

Why many parents didn't like TGD

Well, because the movie forces them to explain many unpleasant things to their kids...

Nowadays, parents are used to one dimensional and cuuuute, harmless little cartoons. The kinds of animated movies that are so tame and unclever that they need no further explanation from the dads & mums.

Many would think that children are emotionally unprepared to assimilate concepts related with death, violence, loss, madness,...
They are wrong and are really underestimating the psychological abilities of their kids. By overprotecting their little ones and trying to keep them unaware of the ugly sides of our world, they are cultivating inner lands, fertile for later traumas and depression.

Don't treat your infants like naive and over fragile "care bears",...if well explained, they can understand many of the dark sides of our world.

That's precisely the theme of "The good dinosaur". It's about the roots of human nature. About growing and surviving in a hostile world, facing your own fears,...facing the outside threats, the tragedies, violence and madness. It's also about the precious support you can get from your families and close friends, during those harsh times...and the priceless value of the things you learn from them. Because the more you know, the better you are prepared for the difficulties of life...or simply for "digesting" the many horrors that are happening everyday around us.

Kudos to Pixar for daring to make such deep and clever cartoons! (Another special mention goes to "Inside out").


BS, there are plenty of far more successful and even extremely successful animated features that have such themes and qualities. The public just happened to like them a lot more than TGD.


Yes, there are more successful animated features that have such themes but they develop those in more edulcorated ways.
TGD is, indeed, not the best Pixar movie but it's one of the most daring they've made. That explains all the controversy around it.
"It sucks", yeah, that's the main argument of the narrow minded people. Once again, TGD is not the best Pixar ever but it certainly not deserves all that hate & bashing.

All the people complaining here must be the kind who explain to their children that the steak they're eating is coming from a steak tree ;)


Sometimes things just suck though.

Your defense strikes me to be on the same level as having to explain a joke in order for it to be funny. And as they say, if you have to, it isn't.

You're welcome.


Sometimes they do...but, for a movie to suck, it has to be a failure on every level and, like it or not, it's not the case of TGD. It would be a total act of bad faith not to recognize that the movie does have some qualities. A more adequate way to put it would be to say "I didn't liked it" ;)

If some people don't understand a joke and you need to explain it to them, it doesn't necessarily mean that the joke is bad. Sometimes they just don't get it ;)

When I see people posting stuff like "omagad, don't take your children to see that uber chocking movie" I feel like they didn't fully understood "the joke".


It doesn't have to fail on every level to suck. Consider the Transformer movies. They are critically reviled. The last one received worst movie of the year from the Razzie's, if memory serves. Yet it was astoundingly successful at the box office. And so they weren't a "failure on every level".

And no, if you have to take the time to explain a joke, it's not funny. As the famous quote goes: "Explaining a joke is like dissecting a frog. You understand it better but the frog dies in the process."

You're welcome.


The box office success has nothing to do with "being a failure on every level". Good movies flopped, sucky one succeeded. To honestly say that a movie sucks it has to go beyond your own tastes. "I don't like it therefore it sucks" no remotely intelligent critic will ever say.
If the movie has a bad script, bad light, bad acting, bad fx, bad camera work, well every freaking thing about it is bad then, maybe, you can honestly and impartially say it sucks. And I say maybe because even then, you judge all the bad aspects of the movie according to your own standards and opinions. Yep, it's very subjective that's why I don't like self entitled/arrogant people who thinks they have the only valid opinion about movies.

Bad jokes are usually very easy to understand...clever jokes, on another hand, are not suited for you may need to explain it. But well, it's easier to call the joke sucky than to recognize that you have a slow brain ;)


Box office is a level. It's an aspect. So if it failed in every other way, it still could not be considered a failure on ALL levels if it was financially successful. ALL levels means ALL of them.

And while an indepth and expansive analysis can work sometimes, I find a simple descriptive can also be an effective summing up. I trust my feelings coming out of the theater and I said "that sucked!". It just failed. Didn't mesh. Nothing worked in my mind.

Ebert had a book entitled "Your Movie Sucks", just so you know. So again, sometimes things just suck. And in cases such as this those who try to make it more than it is have an agenda, IMO.

You're welcome.


Box office has nothing to do with the qualities (technical, artistic) or flaws of the movie. You can't say if a movie suck or not just by checking its box office incomes. You took the example of the last Transformers and yes, we can say that it sucks on many levels lol. But it still was a box office success. Does that make it less sucky? Hell no!

I understand that you really didn't liked TGD and I respect that. What I'm arguing about is the way you put it. Like if your feelings about the movie were the ultimate truth.
I'm not claiming that my point of view is the ultimate trut either. I just try to put things in an objective way. Not saying that TGD is awesome, neither a big turd.

I'm not a Pixar die hard fan and I have no agenda here. I didn't liked Brave and even less Planes. But I won't claim that those movies suck. They didn't worked for me but they do have undeniable qualities.

People seem to react in a very emotional way when it comes to critisize TGD. I guess it's because they expect a certain type of movie from Pixar and do not accept any change or flaw in their productions.


Not if it sucked, if it COMPLETELY sucked. See, there are levels to everything, including suckage. Noticed I added nothing to it, I just said it sucked. Didn't add "completely and utterly" before it, or "big fat donkey balls" after. You could say when I just say it sucked I'm awarding it a 70%. But I don't consider that an accomplishment. This is Pixar, not an 80's weekday afternoon 30 minute toy commercial. It has supremely high standards set by itself. 7/10 for a Pixar movie SUCKS.

Get my meaning?

You're welcome.


Lol you're talking like if Pixar only got 8/10 movies and TGD is their first 7/10 rating.

They don't!

A bug'slife: 7.2/10
Cars: 7.2/10
Cars 2: 6.3/10
Planes: 5.7/10
Brave: 7.2/10
Monsters University: 7.4/10

So TGD's rating does not suck compared to those PIXAR MOVIES :) You can keep your biased high standards for yourself.

You said that the people defending the movie have an agenda. Well, I've just created this topic and copy/pasted it into another one that was kinda related. That's it. You, on another hand, have participate to many different topics here, always claiming the same thing: "It suuucckkss buhuhuuuuuu". So who's got an agenda here? ;)

I think that TGD Somehow raped your cute dinosaur lover sweet heart expectations and you are really really really angry about it.


Lol you're talking like if Pixar only got 8/10 movies and TGD is their first 7/10 rating.

I never said everything else Pixar was 8+ out of 10 or better. Just today I listed Cars 2 as worse than TGD and called Brave bad. Check out my posts. For example here is where I say Brave was just bad:


Bad. Just bad. Hate to say it, but that's how it was to me.

And here is where I rate C2 the worst of it, Brave and TGD:


Perhaps it comes down to personal relatability. They all sucked in my mind, but if I had to pick the worst I'd again go with C2.

You should try doing research before instead of making blind and baseless accusations about people. But then you obviously have an agenda here and so are being deliberately obtuse in order to further it. How pathetic.


You said that the people defending the movie have an agenda.

No, I did not. I said people who try to make it more than it is have an agenda, I said nothing targeting those who defend the film. And here's the proof:
Ebert had a book entitled "Your Movie Sucks", just so you know. So again, sometimes things just suck. And in cases such as this those who try to make it more than it is have an agenda, IMO.

Twisting my words to suit your own obvious agenda. What a prick you are. And stupid, because in your attempt to falsely call me out you proved my point: you have a clear agenda.

And to suggest I have an agenda is just you rewriting my post and sending it back to me, which does zero to improve your "arguments" and instead further exposes your fury over being exposed for your own agenda.

I'm done with you rudely taking what I say out of context. You are a troll who twists people's words because they can't come up with a proper counterpoint when caught in a mistake. That's blatant lying in my book and get's you slapped with an Ignore for your pitiful bullying childishness. No last word for you, you lying sack of crap. Oh, and you aren't that sly so good luck trying to get revenge with the alt accounts I just know a lying loser like you is going to try and use.

You're welcome.


And don't believe for a second that I didn't know what that agenda was,rbrtck.

Hah! Owned! I knew all along and was just having a laugh at you. I told you, jackass, you just aren't that sly.

rbrtck = alextorn

So, when do we get to see account #3? Hahahahahahahaha!

You're welcome.


Dude, you're completly paranoid and delusional.

I have nothing to do with that rbrtck account. My account is real and I'm not hiding behind some lame ass nick name like you do.

You can try to defend yourself as much as you want and try to affirm that I've deformed your words but no. I took your crappy ideas/opinions and destroyed them one by one.

And now that fake account're pathetic and really should take some holidays in a mental institution.

You see, that's why parents shouldn't overprotect their kids like your mama did with you...because they may become insane, just like you.


Awww, the puppet "master" is too stupid to understand how Ignore works. Poor exposed jackass.

rbrtck = alextorn


You're welcome.


I don't give a damn if you ignored me and anyway, the ignore option is the weapon of the small minds that got short of ideas. Like the children putting their fingers into their ears and yelling "blablabla I can't hear you". Ridiculous :)

I'm answering so any reader passing to check the topic can see how crazy you are :)

Some people should pass a mental test before being allowed to post here.


I bet the brainless idiot is saying something like: "Durrrr if I'm on Ignore then how can you be replying to me or posting in a thread of somebody you've ignored durrrrrr!"

What a moron, I'm not replying to their posts, I'm replying to my OWN. Have to explain this every time, because trolls try to exploit everything, heh. Oh and dimwit, thanks to History I can always visit any thread my posts are in.

I don't have MYSELF on Ignore, what an utter DUNCE!

Owned again without even reading their post! HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!

rbrtck = alextorn

You're welcome.


Oooowwwww NOOOOezzzz!!! I got owned by Dalbrech...eeerr I mean Slam Evil or whatever other fake profile he's using!!
He completely outsmarted me with his all mighty blocky blocky :((((

Yes, of course I also am rbtrtck...a guy that obvisously speaks a better and more grammatically correct english that I do (it's my 3rd language).
The FBI should hire mistah Slam and his genius investigation skills!!!


Classless prick trying to sneak one past like the alt-using slime they truly are. Coward.

And an exposed coward too:

rbrtck = alextorn

Owned forever!

You're welcome.


Running away and hiding behind the ignore option, yelling "I ownahd ya, I ownahd ya!!" and then calling me a coward...hahahah, you're a joke!

I owned you, making you cry and hide like a baby and then you "owned" yourself with your own stupidy.

I'm not into those childish keyboard warriors duels but you're providing me a good laugh, isn't it, mistah Dalbrech? :)


What the classless coward doesn't get is that I welcome the chance to turn this board into a shrine to their exposure. It's deader than Alex's chances of seeing a girl naked so why not put it to some use.

rbrtck = alextorn


You're welcome.


Can't play with you today. Being too busy with grown up things.
Aaaah sometimes I envy the simple minded no lifes like you...

Big hugz


Say what, coward? Speak up, can't hear ya. Oh that's right, ignored!

rbrtck = alextorn


You're welcome.


Yeah sure, you're secretly checking my answers with your fake accounts, like the Dalbrech ones :)
Why that? Because you love when I make you my little b*tch.

I bet you've put your mum's nightie on again and you're having big fun with your brontosaurus shaped dildo while reading my messages :)


Darn, I just couldn't hear you, coward. Now why is that? Oh that's right, Ignored!

rbrtck = alextorn

Owned! No traction for this alt or the other.

Heh, the idiot can't even change his name, got the alts bookmarked.

You're welcome.


for a movie to suck you simply have to think it sucks.


Yes, there are more successful animated features that have such themes but they develop those in more edulcorated ways.

Or rather they do it with more subtlety, artfulness, and balance. The questions still come up, but at least children and parents alike feel they've gotten more out of the movie, making it more worthwhile for them.

Personally, I actually do like TGD, so I haven't been bashing it outright, but truth be told it could have been more appealing and fun at the same time. It doesn't have to be, but then I wouldn't expect it to gross nearly enough at the box office to justify its huge production and marketing budgets.

TGD is, indeed, not the best Pixar movie but it's one of the most daring they've made.

It is daring/bold in some ways, while in other ways it's ironically perceived by many to be overly derivative to the point of seeming stale (even just based on the marketing). Neither attribute was viewed in a positive light by the public in this case--could potentially have been (daring sometimes works, as does being reminiscent of previous epics), but wasn't.

That explains all the controversy around it.

Maybe controversy is somewhat new for Pixar, but for example Disney Animation's movies--including some highly successful ones--have had plenty over the years, and people didn't necessarily stay away in droves as a result. I think some are looking too hard for why the public didn't find TGD as appealing as Pixar's other movies. Maybe the public just didn't--they took one look at the characters and the derivative-feeling elements used in the ads, and said "Eh, I'll skip this one." That would explain its weak opening (especially for a Pixar movie), which the controversy does not.


Yes, sure...but it's nice to see, from time to time, a movie that is pushing a bit the limits. I think TGD did that AND remained decent in the same time. It's far from being the utter violent gorefest many people claim it to be.

As you said, it's been perceived by many to be overly derivative and that's exactly what I'm arguing about. Maybe the adds and marketing were misleading or unappealing to the public and that would explain the weak opening...but the movie could have done better afterwards if the bashing wasn't so intense.
If the bashing was mainly about the story, animation, humor,...I would have said "ok, people didn't like it" and period. But the main complain is about TGD being too dark and too violent for children. That's what made me react and write this topic.

About the controversy, Disney did have had plenty but rarely for darkness and violence. The only case I remember was "The black cauldron". It was also considered too dark for kids and also flopped in the theaters.
I went to see it when I was a kid and I liked it. Yes, I was impressed but also thrilled by it's dark side. My mother always took the time to explain me, tell me about the realities of this world, the bad, the good AND the difference between reality and fiction. So i was able to enjoy The dark cauldron for what it was.

The dark cauldron case is, btw, very similar to what's happening to TGD and leads me to another thing that really annoys me.
As mentioned before, TDC, released in 1985, flopped and was criticized for the same reasons. Result? Disney never ever produced a similar cartoon...they stuck to the good old harmless formula. And that's certainly what will also happen to Pixar.
TDC and TGD are not flawless achievements...but they are a step towards something different, bolder and, of course, perfectible.
I have nothing against that "good old harmless formula" but it's also nice to see other perspectives...mostly from the big studios...but, with such conservative reactions from the public, the chances are now quiet low...


Uck, the Black Cauldron. What a lump of stinking crap that was.

You're welcome.


That explains all the controversy around it.
????Controversy?? What controversy? There's been no controversy around The Good Dinosaur. It wasn't a box office success, but it wasn't controversial either. Basically few saw it, and few are talking about it. There is no controversy.


Pretty sure it just sucks.

You're welcome.


No. It's because TGD wasn't up to Pixar's standards.


Parent's don't like it because it an very mediocre movie.It deserved to be Pixar first big flop.

The actual IMDB rating (7/10) is accurate imo. Not the best Pixar indeed but far from being mediocre.

The haters are so really really upset that Pixar have provided them with something different from their usual cartoons that they have lost all sense of fair criticism.

Don't worry, next Pixar will certainly be a cute and harmless little cartoon like Cars or Planes with adorable talking machines that will make your little chocolate heart melt :)


You criticize me for reducing my position on the film to a single descriptive word, then go and heap anybody who dislikes it onto a one word category of "hater". So much for you.

FYI, 70% on a test may be an "achievement" for some, but it'll end up in the trash, not on the fridge.

You're welcome.


I hate yep, I'm somehow a hater myself lol

I'm not bashing anybody who dislikes the movie. I'm not claiming that everyone should love the movie and I do respect the simple fact that you and many others didn't liked it.

I'm reacting to what I consider to be over the top reactions that are put like the universal truth. My topic here was mostly about the parents yelling "don't take your children to see that trashy & violent movie".
No...just's not up to them to tell other parents what animation movies they should see with their kids. Overprotect your kids if you want to but let the others follow their own principles of education. Mmmm, but well, I digress lol

Oh common, a 70% result will not end on the fridge but neither in the trash bin. You're being too extreme again. It will just go in some drawer ;)


If only for future review as to why you "succeeded" in such a mediocre fashion.

You're welcome.


I am so agree with you!!!!😊INDEED!!TGD was not the Very nice movie that Pixar have ever made.But it is not that bad.Actually it is very meaningful for all the people.Not just for the kids.
Although this movie was not so great. it is still worth to see!me and my friends thinks that it is a very Good movie.Those Haters was just too mean...they should not treat it so bad.They should try to understand the deep Meaning of it and appreciate its merit instead of just saying it was awful and bad and so disgusting,not suitable for kids......
Those Haters' Review make me so sad 😭i almost got cry when i was reading their Review.I mean , i know that the story was just not so attractive and not so great,but it is still very interesting and heartwarming.Why do the people are hating this movie so much...😱Are people only love that kind of movie like Frozen??it was very sad that people only cares about how bad the movie instead of trying to appreciate!!!😞
So~~,i think this movie is still good!!!People who haven't watch this movie should buy a DVD or Blu-ray or Go to Cinema to watch this beautiful Movie!!!!!!!
(and sorry for that poor english...hope you can understand😉)


Interesting post, I've decided the best approach is a break down.

Well, because the movie forces them to explain many unpleasant things to their kids...

Nowadays, parents are used to one dimensional and cuuuute, harmless little cartoons. The kinds of animated movies that are so tame and unclever that they need no further explanation from the dads & mums.

Does it cause a lot of controversy? I don't know, I think the parental complaints have been exaggerated. More importantly though, to the parents that would complain, this is nothing new. The idea that we are in this age of safe and unoffensive animation is nonsense. Yes, it's the PC age, but animated films and series have been largely unaffected.

Many would think that children are emotionally unprepared to assimilate concepts related with death, violence, loss, madness,...
They are wrong and are really underestimating the psychological abilities of their kids. By overprotecting their little ones and trying to keep them unaware of the ugly sides of our world, they are cultivating inner lands, fertile for later traumas and depression.

Don't treat your infants like naive and over fragile "care bears",...if well explained, they can understand many of the dark sides of our world.

While there is certainly some truth so these statements, in the end, that's not for you to decide. I can certainly agree that overprotective parenting can be bad, but it's still not some random person's place to decide how parents should raise their kids.

That's precisely the theme of "The good dinosaur". It's about the roots of human nature. About growing and surviving in a hostile world, facing your own fears,...facing the outside threats, the tragedies, violence and madness. It's also about the precious support you can get from your families and close friends, during those harsh times...and the priceless value of the things you learn from them. Because the more you know, the better you are prepared for the difficulties of life...or simply for "digesting" the many horrors that are happening everyday around us.

Kudos to Pixar for daring to make such deep and clever cartoons! (Another special mention goes to "Inside out").

I'm glad you got so much out of this film, but you shouldn't get upset that most people didn't get these things out of it. And no, I don't believe that the film's "darker" content is the main reason it was poorly received. The film as a whole, seemingly to most, was actually safe, cliche, and uninspired for the most part. It's not a bad film, but most didn't find it to be one of Pixar's better offerings and they are not wrong for that. Your post has a sense of crusading to it, but trust me there are better ventures to seek than this film.

"Unless you're an alien, time traveler, or esper, your opinion doesn't matter."


Actually Pixar make anything but one dimensional and cute films, until now. Pixar films are aimed kids and adults, this one appears to be aimed solely at kids which is probably why the parents were disappointed.


I agree with you m8, THD is not pixars best movie but it is not their worse eighter, like some people make it out to be, mostly overprotective stupid parents that complain about movies like this and then let their kidd play cod and gta4.


What I learned from this movie is that life is painfully boring...plant corn...harvest corn...plant corn...harvest corn. Life just sucks.


Modern day parents are pussies. Me (despite my Care Bear pic, Care Bears could be dark, watch the first movie), I saw a lot of Disney movies, including the infamous Bambi mom death scene (didn't cry at that as a kid oddly, but do now), Mufasa's death, Old Yeller's death, survived my grandpa's death when I was 7, one of my dog's deaths a few years ago, and guess what? I've become a fine young man who wasn't affected terribly at all.

Maybe they should see this:

They'd learn something from it.


They are raising a bunch of pussies. That's why we now have hipsters and men who wear skinny jeans and are anorexic looking. Sad there are no "men" anymore just girly looking "men."
