This was really good!

The first half was a little slow but when it got to the parts about her starting Harry Potter, it got really good. Especially the parts about how HP came to be. She has a great and inspiring story to tell, I really enjoyed it!


I agree, and I think part of why it wasn't that great in the beginning was because it was so generic. Like those girls playing JK Rowling really could have been anyone. But when Poppy showed up she had JK's mannerisms and things DOWN, so it was like literally watching JK's life, even if it wasn't necessarily accurate. It was definitely a decent movie, but I wish that it had touched on the depression and suicidal thoughts JK has talked about in interviews. Otherwise, it was really quite lovely!


Actually I enjoyed the first part when she was young. You see a lot of her inspiration used in the books. The school uniforms, the wands, the woods, the witches, her friend Shawn, her teachers, the bullies at school, even the car she drove as a teen. I think even her mom was put in the books as Lily Potter.


Jo actually frowned on the characters wearing uniforms, when Chris Columbus was prepping "Philosopher's Stone". But in the end, she accepted it since it worked better on a visual level (Columbus had tried robes over street clothes, but no one liked it).
