No nudity alert.

The sheer awfulness of the movie itself, in every aspect imaginable, is no surprise at all. The lack of some decent T&A to make up for it, is.

There's a millisecond of an unrelated, non-cast member's breasts at about 25 minutes in, and that's it. Blink and you'll miss it.

You might wonder why I bother commenting on this, but I seriously doubt that anyone elects to see a movie like this, with that cover and that premise, without expecting to see some skin. There are some hot chicks, sure, but they all stay firmly clothed through the whole ordeal.

You're welcome, folks. Move along, nothing to see here.

IMDb-boards would be less confusing if people would mark their signatures clearly.


Much appreciated. only reason I clicked on the movie and now see I should move along.

Who has got the time, I'm all ready busy doing nothing.
There's so god damn much I wanna forget.


Don't understand what's wrong with these people. Are they Muslims? Gay?
