
It's three episodes in and we've already had:
A VW camper van;
The Who;
A copy of Lady Chatterly's Lover (because nobody read anything else in the '60s);
A '50s 'family man' cheating on his wife;
A woman lying to get the pill;
The phrase "it's not for the likes of us";
A backstreet abortion;
Racists throwing monkey nuts at a black man;
A Vietnam war protest;
A Trot selling out his principles;
An IRA bomb & an informant.

What otehr ones do you think we can expect? I'm guessing at least one of them will have a Porsche in the 1980s and another will be out with either the miners or the Greenham Common womem.




Still, she has so many toasters that we'll never go hungry.

Marlon, Claudia and Dimby the cats 1989-2005, 2007 and 2010.


You missed Bob Dylan's Times are a Changin' which perfectly summed up the theme of the programme that the times are a changin.

Despite all the heavy handedness to show we are in the 60s, Claire Foy feels like Sma Tyler in a mini skirt and much of it feels contemporary. No-one seems to smoke indoors for eg.

