MovieChat Forums > The Cottage (2012) Discussion > 😂 What is this some Lifetime Horror B m...

😂 What is this some Lifetime Horror B movie. So good lol

i have no idea what i just watched 😂 where can i find more like this 😅

things kind of just happen randomly in upper class suburban america
hot people running around being hot for no reason
people getting murdered for reasons i still can't figure out
teachers hooking up with students
older guy with teenage looking wives for some reason, i guess a cult
the whole movie felt like i was watching one giant plot twist extended out for an hour and a half and the rest of the movie on the cutting room floor

lifetime movies are always terrible but i guess if you add better 'horror' they actually become watchable 😵 i mean i'm impressed.. i liked it. would not have expected that. dont ask me what the actual plot was though i wouldn't be able to tell ya 👍

..goes to show plot isn't everything... this should be its own genre
