MovieChat Forums > Victor Frankenstein (2015) Discussion > Should have created the human monster in...

Should have created the human monster instead of the monkey

I like the movie and i liked the two leads but leaving the human monster until the very end and then killing it was a huge mistake.
I think what ultimately hurt this movie was the lack of the monster story.

It was A big huge terrible robbed us of a proper frankenstein story.
I KNOW this movie is called " victor frankenstein" i know the movie wanted to focus more on igor and victor

But they should have fixed the story where we get the human monster much earlier in the movie and where we get to see this version of victor and igor dealing with the creature.

I would have really loved to see this brillian version of igor dealing with the human creature. I would have lovef to see how they would hide it or try to teach it things.

The set up with victor having a brother was kind of lame
The plot of having victor regret making the creature was lame.

If they have wrote the movie with having the human creature play a bigger part earlier on the film and having this intelligent igor deal with the creature i think people would have liked it.
