
Is this killer a superstrong psycho? no... an undead spirit seeking payback? no... an inbred cannibal with pain squashing abilities? no...

Just once, I would like to see someone just beat the everliving crap out of these 'monsters' when they had them down. At one point the killer is on the floor and apparently out cold while one of the victims is standing over him/her (no spoilers here)and they do a slow move to take off his/her hoodie mask to find out who it is when any thinking person would be have dropped a knee on this persons neck and removed the threat first. Anyone alive in the first world under the age of 60 has grown up with horror movies and yet still this stupid garbage is done in the name of "Suspense!". Not a bad movie but seen much better and the small problems add up to a good riddance factor for the victims.

If you are new to horror films you might like this but otherwise, skip.


Yeah that came to mind to. Also where did the ghost come into it or were they faking the ouji board & various random objects moving? I half expected the ghost to turn on him at the end.

Though above all else, despite this genre, this storyline etc being done a hundred times before (And thats me understating it) my biggest gripe was this.

Why put dramatic horror music over found footage?

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