i have a stupid rant

why was alexa, (think that was her) carrying a cup of mcd's coffee...in this week's episode....

this is a canadian show, she should have been carrying tim horton's......and not mcd's coffee....



I agree..Maybe there is no Timmies located near the set.


could be...but still....

it wasn't like she was really drinking it.....they could have imported a cup, i'm sure...



A possible explanation:

McD's is an internationally-recognized brand. Tim Hortons is still largely confined to Canada. With Alex being an Aussie and not a Canadian, it could merely be a case of her not having discovered Timmie's yet, and choosing to go with the brand she knows!

That's the best I could think up.


nope...don't buy that at all...there are just as many timmies in the US.....in the places that i've been as there are McD's...in fact the places that i stop when i'm traveling, i haven't even seen a McD's...yet i've seen tim's....



Suzan you must have only been to the U.S. near Canada, Timmy's is only in a few states.

McDonald's has been paying CBC for Heartland, too. This week Tim Fleming even mentioned McDonald's by name after he handed a coffee to Jack who was holding it so the name showed. It's getting really annoying on CBC shows.


Suzan I think you didn't see the Mcdonald's commercials in Arctic Air!

CBC has been doing this more and more with ads!


The Border had alot of Tim Horton's plugs. Being Erica was really bad when they started literally writing in plugs previously seen in television commercials. The L.A. Complex also had Canadian characters who somehow managed to find a Tim Horton's outlet somewhere in Los Angelas.


read my previous message...


someone said that they do alot of mcd's commercials...maybe they're the sponsor........so that's why she was carrying that....to me that's the only explanation...

but i watch the american stations from buffalo all the time.......and they advertise tim's as well, ok, they don't have roll up the rim...but..


Product placement pays the bills. If McD's pays more than Timmies, the characters will be drinking McD's coffee rather than Timmies.

Simple economics. Though I did think it was pretty blatant in the show. Usually, stuff like that is more discreet.


no...not really...

i can't remember which show it was...but there were product placements all over....it was either an australian soap or a brit soap.....can't remember which....

they do it all the time...

and i found out years ago, (don't watch it anymore) but with indy racing...there are people paid to count the advertising everywhere...so....if that's the case...then..



Key word: 'usually'.

Of course there are exceptions to the rule. Anything that Subway sponsors is ridiculous (Chuck, Hawaii 5-0). I won't even watch shows that they sponsor anymore.

I am however, typing this post from a McDonald's (against my better judgement).


i think that mcd's is the main sponsor of cbc's shows...

because on republic of doyle on sunday...one character says to the other...oh i went to mcd's to get you a coffee...so..

if you don't watch shows with sponsors anymore then you wouldn't have watched a show from the get go...

because it's kind of gone back to the beginning....because all the shows in the or most in the 50's had sponsors....

they even named the show after said sponsor...in some cases....



Right, but in the 1950s, the brands sponsored the shows by saying 'brought to you by' at the beginning or end of the show, and by the actual commercials in the breaks during the show.

What I'm referring to is the *in show* plugs for products. I don't have a major problem with product placement (I work in the industry, I know how it works), but I do have a problem with:



Product placement should be subtle, or left to the space outside of the scripted content. There is a time and place for the production to make money, and when blatant product placement compromises the content/experience for the fans, they've gone too far.


you know on republic of doyle on one eppy they even had one character say to the other...I got you a mcd's coffee.....



I'm not surprised. I'm also not a fan of RoD. I've only seen one utterly forgettable episode. :/

Heartland has recently been overrun with McCoffee cups too.


I don't mind product placement....in the british shows that I watch and Australian.....whenever they show a store...they don't have generic brands...they have the real brands....but.....that's a store..so that's to be expected...but when you see something like mcd's everywhere, you look, then.....that's what I have a problem with



See I wouldn't have a problem with that. McDs after all IS everywhere. Several in every town. When it is like real life it does not bother me. When it is so blatant that it takes me out of the show that is when I object. I'm sure that threshold is a lot lower for some folks than me.
There was an episode of Bones when they gave a full 30 second plug to the features of his new car. Sickening.

Little Miss Gun-to-a-Knife fight


Yellowknife has both a timmies (largest grossing franchise in Canada) a stand alone McDonald's & McDonald's inside Walmart. All are located in less than a square km of each other.


The have to do more product placements within the shows these days because no one sticks around for commercials.
