MovieChat Forums > Arctic Air (2012) Discussion > Who played the vigilante marshall?

Who played the vigilante marshall?

Re: Season 2 - Episode 10

It drove me crazy through the entire episode. I recognized his face and voice, but couldn't place the other show he was a regular on. I thought it was Castle, but I can't find his name in that show's credits, so I am obviously wrong.

The end credits were scrunched, and my PVR cut off the show before the credits ended, so I don't know who it was.


Donnelly Rhodes


Canadian ICON Donnelly Rhodes, know for playing Philip Chancellor II on the Y&R, Dutch on Soap, appearances on Street Legal and DaVinci's Inquest...

... likely best known to Canadians of a certain age as Dr. Grant Roberts on DANGER BAY!


i didn't watch it when it was originally on...didn't even know about it...and yes, i was 20 at the time...

but i watched it during repeats 10 or so years ago......



Maybe you remember him from Da Vinci's Inquest, or from Battlestar Galactica, where he had a recurring role as the President's doctor.

Don't give me songs
Give me something to sing about


Yes, it was Davinci's Inquest that I knew him from. Thanks, everyone.
