MovieChat Forums > The Neon Demon (2016) Discussion > Why does this movie need to exist?

Why does this movie need to exist?

What is the purpose of this film?

It has no moral, No substance, no real story, very little development and is a sub-par rehash of an awful movie (Paul Verhoevens' Showgirls)

It is beautifully shot but embellishes on itself to such an egotistical level that scenes are drawn out to intolerable duration's. Completely self indulgent. Shots linger for so long, the movie turns into a time vampire. To cut the 'dead air' between dialog out of this movie would reduce it's overall duration to the 1hour 20minute mark. Slow dialog is OK in a movie but it has to mean something!

What was the moral to this story?...Don't be naturally beautiful?..If you are, don't be humble and modest about it?...Don't be successful? Don't take on the big city unless you're prepared? Perhaps this is an exploitation movie about the modelling business?...Do it for long enough and you'll become a repressed Lesbian? a Murderer?, a Pedophile?, a Necrophiliac? or a Cannibal? I DON'T KNOW

I'm fine with watching challenging movies, like one of Refn's previous movies, 'Bronson' which was also an 'Art-House' feature but, it all made sense...The Neon Demon is a laboriously slow, scrappy, Beautifully shot mess of a movie with scenes and characters that go no-where and serve no purpose.

Seriously...why was Keanu Reeves in this movie?...Did he owe Refn a favour?...His role is superfluous (that could be filled by other supporting roles)...Why were there Tri-Forces everywhere?...Nintendo gonna sue somebody's ass. Why was there a wild cat in her room? Why was there a love interest?

It's such frustrating a film

Did Refn see 'Showgirls' and think "Let's get rid of the boobs and character dimensions"...then watch 'Black Swan' and think "lets re-make that movie but give it a super dark twist." Refn is an amazing Art Director but as a story teller, is a downright amateur.


Why do YOU need to exist? Answer that question and you might have the answer you seek for this movie.

..*.. TxMike ..*..


Hahahaha! Nice!


I think you just stood up in a field of d*cks and said "Ooh, look...I'm one too"



Listen princess, I'm not going to enter a battle of wits with an unarmed man.



I'm sorry, you must have me confused with someone who gives a sh*t what you think x.

PS...reply all you like, you're only making my post popular...THANK YOU X :)


You need that online popularity, huh fatso? Lmao. All right man, enough of this. Seriously, go eat a couple pizzas and chill. I'm out.


Hey, look at that, You used the word 'fatso' three times!, you must be the pride and joy of Special Education!. Soon they're gonna teach you new words like 'Obese,' 'Chubby' and 'Flabby.' Also, you should look forward to the lesson which shows you how to identify other minorities like Blacks and Jews, I can tell your the type. Kisses


Honey, people believe what they are told


Hahaha yes! Why does this movie ( or maybe director) attract this kind of straight up hate? People must've been dead set to hate it because it is far from a terrible movie.


It's not hatred...It's confusion. I'm asking for help understanding but seem to be attracting pretentious clowns.


Possibly the most pretentious response I could ever expect....a question is not an answer

Why do I need to exist?....short answer is... I don't...I make my money, I earn my keep, I live my life, I experience what I want, I'm a passenger on the roller-coaster of life and ride the highs and lows as they come. Someday I'm going to die. I don't harbour murderous thoughts to those who are more successful than me...I praise them. I encourage the progression of existence, not destroy it.

Are you saying I need to exist to better myself and destroy any threat of superiority? You're cracked if that is your belief. Do I need to *beep* dead bodies? do I need to devour my potential successors? ...NO

The movie is a bleak satire of existence. If anyone walks away learning something from this picture, then that person has been truly robbed of optimism.


No, not pretentious at all. It is very simple, none of us need to exist and this movie does not need to exist. But we do exist, the movie does exist. We have the choice to not watch it, just as I have the choice to not befriend you. Complaining about its existence is among the more trivial things one can do. Making movies is a business and the filmmaker always hopes to make a living doing so.

..*.. TxMike ..*..



Because it shows women's true nature toward anything younger, thinner and more attractive than them.

Wait and see on Halloween how many HUNDREDS of Harley Quinns you will see out and about and how each one will be snickering at one another and sporting b1tchface. Mark my words!

But hey, you know, "rape culture" exists in The West and all...


That doesn't explain the cannibalism and Necrophilia etc


That doesn't explain the cannibalism and Necrophilia etc

Artistic choices.

They could've "only" bullied Jesse instead of being that drastic. But that was probably too boring. That would've maybe happened in a so boring mainstream Hollywood film about "models competing in the fashion business".

Regarding the necrophilia part: as I read somewhere, Ruby was probably desperate. Like, really desperate, to such an extent and in a way that we cannot understand it. Desperation resulting from rejection where Jesse was another one who rejected her so that she couldn't help to do what she did in the morgue to get what she wanted (satisfying her physical desire). OK, she maybe could've paid a prostitute to get what she wanted. But again: too boring... artistic choices and what not.

It's great to see films for a change which are more like art and not like fast food or roller coaster rides in luna parks (like all the summer blockbuster films or other mainstream films).

What's important for me in a film: the visuals and soundtrack/sound design should create a great atmosphere (for me, it's all about atmosphere) and that combined with interesting characters or at least not boring characters is all I want from a film. Story? Yeah well (I don't want to say overrated), the former elements are more important for me, however. Anyway, isn't it so that there are only, I don't know, seven or eight different, how do you say, story developments? So, everything was told, anyway.


jepp,along with the energetic music score and arty decor it help pushing the movie and story.more in shock direction than


Because it shows women's true nature toward anything younger, thinner and more attractive than them.
Can you add the word "some" before women? Not all of us are like that. In fact I am glad not to be that age anymore. Too much insecurity.


No women in their right mind will kill for beauty? Wtf is wrong with people




Honey, people believe what they are told


I'm fine with watching challenging movies, like one of Refn's previous movies, 'Bronson' which was also an 'Art-House'


Top 50 Favourite films:


@ MikeRydal

Having just seen the film last night I don't have an answer to your question as I think it will take more viewings.

Aside from that I thought your original post asked a good question and you're seeking the kind of serious film criticism that is hard to find on the imdb boards. And, of course, you're met with immature responses by half wits simply because they disagree with you not liking a movie they may like. No wonder no one comes to these boards for intelligent discussions.


@ MikeRydal

Having just seen the film last night I don't have an answer to your question as I think it will take more viewings.

Aside from that I thought your original post asked a good question and you're seeking the kind of serious film criticism that is hard to find on the imdb boards. And, of course, you're met with immature responses by half wits simply because they disagree with you not liking a movie they may like. No wonder no one comes to these boards for intelligent discussions.


is difficult to engage in a smart serious talk with someone who's thread title about the film you want to discuss is called "why does this movie need to exist"

Honey, people believe what they are told



Amen Brother

Idiots, MrKovacs...Idiots everywhere!


You're falling into a very basic trap here. Because you didn't like the movie, you are trying to rationalise why is doesn't have any worth, or reason for being, in order to validate your opinion. That's a very narrow perspective.

Aside from the obvious A+ cinematography, this movie had plenty to say about the world and people it portrayed, narcissism being one of the many notable themes. Like it or not, this movie definitely has a reason to exist. If you disagree, don't throw your toys out your stroller. Do what a grown adult would do, and just move on without crying about it.



Ah, so you're someone who doesn't like challenging themselves.

That's okay, if you're unable to ask for help, don't throw your toys out your stroller. Do what a grown adult would do, and just move on without crying about it.

Have a nice day.


Mike, I had the same reaction to this film that you did. Halfway in I thought: it's a more pretentious version of SHOWGIRLS. Then, a bit later I thought: now it's mashing in BLACK SWAN. Did we require a new take on these films? Maybe, but this didn't add anything new to what those films presented, and presented better.

Yes, the cinematography is gorgeous on this movie, each shot is beautifully set up and photographed, with plenty of slick and interesting visuals, and I enjoyed the soundtrack as well. It was the glacial pacing of this picture that just signaled to me that it was trying to be "important" and "serious". Far too many drawn out shots and scenes of interiors and people standing around being pretty, and all in service of a trite message that we've seen repeated endlessly from the slick THE HUNGER to the so-bad-it's-good SHOWGIRLS, and the superior BLACK SWAN.

I believe the performances were good, but it was hard to tell with the direction they were being given. Refn may be a decent director, but he needs to back off the artsy pretentiousness and concentrate on pacing and story.




I for one consider Show Girls a cult-classic. And unlike the cute yet scrawny Elle Fanning, Elizabeth Berkeley was indeed one of the most beautiful women in the world who would make everyone's jaw drop.

TND was visually much more stunning and inventive than SG, but SG has a more straight-forward story and unfolds in the same universe as ours, "reality". I find it also much more relatable, as humans act as such in it (for better or worse) and not as cyborgs, like in TND. Not to mention, the revenge story in it is quite enjoyable and it has a nice happy ending, not that it's a requisite.

I have to admit though, i've never been a big fan of art-house/surrealist movies; i hate flashbacks, dream sequences, confused/achronological story-telling and the overuse of psychedelic trips and dissociative realities in my movies in general. For instance, i had a hard time with: Upstream Color, Lost Highway, Blue Velvet, Zero Theorem, Brazil, Pi, Under the Skin, The Fountain, The Neon Demon etc.

But there are exceptions, i enjoyed: Requiem for a Dream, Memento, The Prestige, Mulholland Drive, Drive, Twin Peaks and others.

So all in all, i preferred Showgirls (6/10) over The Neon Demon (4/10) and that's a shame because i was kinda looking forward to Refn's new movie.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs


One of the the worst movies of the 90's and winner of seven razzies is a cult classic?WOW


Yep.....titties......lots and lots of titties.


One of the the worst movies of the 90's and winner of seven razzies is a cult classic?WOW

Then you don't know what cult classic movie is. And surely enough, when you google simply "cult classic movies", Showgirls happens to be one of the movies in the list. How about that?

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs


Well,we have different tastes, for me Blade Runner and Taxi Driver are cult classics.
Show Girls is a piece of c-r-a-p, and deserved every razzie award it received.



Show Girls is a piece of c-r-a-p, and deserved every razzie award it received.

Well, that's your opinion and you're entitled to it. I just happen to agree with other opinions:

Showgirls, the Cult Classic About Las Vegas, Turns 20 | Vanity Fair

[...] In one of those wicked reversals of status that posterity sometimes likes to play, the two films have switched bunks. Leaving Las Vegas, so acclaimed, has slid into the limbo of once laureled worthies where Shine, Crash, Slumdog Millionaire, and The Artist now languish while the slut-shamed Showgirls, the winner of the 1995 Razzie Award for Worst Picture, has clawed its way from ignominy to classic cult status. Its unhinged audacity and unbound id have inspired a critical study (Adam Nayman’s It Doesn’t Suck, which takes its title from Nomi’s pet response), been enshrined in a special V.I.P. boxed-set edition (containing a pair of shot glasses, playing cards, and stripper pasties), and earned a tacky, disreputable place in the pantheon of pop feminism.

5 Films That Didn't Deserve Their Razzie Awards

[...] 4. Showgirls

[...] Today, many notable film critics and directors, including Jonathan Rosenbaum, J. Hoberman, and Quentin Tarantino, have re-evaluated and defended Showgirls as a serious satire of the trappings of Hollywood and celebrity. The film is also seen as a cult classic for its crude and vulgar subject matter and wry sense of humor.

Also, let's not forget that Kubrick too received a Razzie for his directorial work in The Shining in 1980, as mentioned in the second article.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs


I gotta be honest here and say I see absolutely no comparison to Show Girls. Show Girls is a sex thriller, made so terribly, horribly acted with horrid dialogue. Funny as hell unintentionally. Who the *beep* can make rape funnier? And that pool sex scene was the most cringe worthy thing I've ever laid eyes upon.

I love me some good B movie/ Grindhouse/ Midnight movies so I enjoy Showgirls but it is NOTHING like THE Neon Demon. And when the two or 3 of you claim the opposite.. I find that a bit of a reach... dont pull something! It might hurt to fap to Showgirls later.

The Neon Demon, no matter if you love or hate it is infinite better acted, better shot, better mood, ambience, better dialogue. To even compare the two seems to me that you are trying to justify not enjoying it by saying it was comparable to one if the absolute worst films of all time. I've seen Both films many times.... and I see ZERO comparisons LOL


The Neon Demon, no matter if you love or hate it is infinite better acted, better shot, better mood, ambience, better dialogue. To even compare the two seems to me that you are trying to justify not enjoying it by saying it was comparable to one if the absolute worst films of all time. I've seen Both films many times.... and I see ZERO comparisons LOL
Christ on a crutch, thank you! I think the person sees small town girl comes to big city to make it big and gets corrupted theme and puts them in same category.

Showgirls (1995) - 3 outta 10 stars

The Neon Demon (2016) - 6 outta 10 stars

My Vote history:


Hi Mike,
I just wanted to say your original post came across to me as well stated, and is a valid opinion.
Conversely, I had to wade through a lot of immature school yard name calling before I came across an equally valid counter response in this thread.
Quite a pathetic state of affairs when someone can't read a backed up and reasoned opinion without resorting to calling a person 'fatso'.


I can't be beaten by puerile morons lol. I have something they don' education, a sense of humor and balls the size of watermelons. Some people resonate like a fart in the wind....but I'm built like a Sherman tank, somebody try stop me!


Lol, good man!


Everything that this movie did has been done before.


Everything that this movie did has been done before.
Unfortunately, the more movies you see, you will come to the realization that practically EVERYTHING has been done before.

My Vote history:


Sorry about all the haters on this thread. I 100% agree with you! What the EFF did I just watch?! And I don't understand why Keanu Reeves was in this film. He can't be THAT hard bent for a job!

To answer your question...

Was it just to be shocking?

Was it to show something beautiful but also incredibly disgusting?

Was it to practice using more techno music as film score??

I don't understand the wild cat part.
I can't get behind the logic of this film at all.

Some of the make-up and photoshoots were arty and inspiring. One point for that. Also I liked the Sia song at the end credits.
That's about it.

Also can I just say that Elle wasn't even a good model? She looked drugged the whole film. Was that an acting choice? I mean I LOVE her but was she the best choice for playing someone breathtakingly flawless?? I'm not an expert but I'm pretty sure being a model is more than just having a cute face and being thin.


Personnaly It reminded me of "the hunger" with David Bowie and Catherine Deneuve or "Cat people". A time when advertisement directors exported their touch to cinema screens. There's a 80's vibe attached to it, wich is trendy, with an electro-arpegiator music which is trendy, with some sex and blood which is trendy and a BO from Sia which is so trendy.

That's why IMHO this movie exist. Because it can easely find it's audience with this kind of style.
So for me it's no more than a commercial product rather than a real piece of art, even if it tries hard pretending to be.
