Original Ending

Wish they kept the original ending from the script. Or at least filmed it for an alternate ending. Does anyone like the movie ending better than the script?


What original ending from the script? You say that as if I know what you're talking about. I'd be happy to comment on it, but I haven't seen it.


The original script ends like this:
Ruby feels bad about killing Jesse and wants to confess so Sarah stabs her in the neck with a broken plate. Gigi starts to feel guilty as well and freaks out. During her photo shoot, she sees Jesse and hears a heart beat. This causes her to flee to her plastic surgery where she begs to have everything removed out of her. She then grabs a scalpel, cuts open her breasts, then stomach, before shoving her hand in there, trying to scoop out Jesse's remains. Sarah goes to visit Jack, the photographer who painted Jesse gold for her photo shoot. Sarah is in love with Jack after sleeping with each other 3 years prior. He doesn't show interest in her and finds her annoying. However, he agrees that he'll have one drink with her and tells Sarah her eyes have become beautiful. Her eyes have become beautiful because she ate Jesse's. It ends with her looking at herself in a mirror and laughing like a maniac.


That does actually sound better. Gigi's end was so abrupt and out of the left field that it comes across as comical more than anything else. Surely it was intentionally ridiculous, but I'm not sure to what end.


I thought the original ending featured a despondent Ruby who, feeling guilty about what she had done to Jesse, proceeds to track down her own younger sister Dierdre (edited out of the final cut of the movie), embrace her warmly, then knock her out with chloroform before cutting her heart and spleen out with a scalpel and feeding them on a club sandwich to Gigi and Sarah, who both puke their guts out.

Enraged, Gigi and Sarah turn on Ruby and hack her into tiny bits with a pair of machetes before feeding her remains to a pack of stray dogs they encounter in an alley behind Gigi's house.

The ironic twist ending: A modeling agent passing by in his limo a few minutes later sees one of the dogs out the tinted windows and has his driver stop the car. The agent gets out, and approaches the dog.

The final scene shows the dog on the set of a multi-million dollar pet food commercial several months later.

That's right: The dog has become the biggest canine star in the world.


absolutely not a fan of the film, I thought it was a steaming pile of dung. I am reading the comments rather incredulously and wondering how many people watched this while high, it's absolutely the only way I can imagine why some people find this to be a masterpiece. I did read this post with curiosity because I was genuinely interested in an alternate ending - but I don't find this one any better than the one we got. I just wish I hadn't plodded with this pile o'dreck all the way through to the end. Must try and remember this next time I am procrastinating on chores.




The filmmaker explains that as the movie developed he realized the ending he originally planned would not work out, in view of what he wanted to present. So what we see is an ending he thoughtfully decided upon. Wishing for a different ending means you really wanted to see a different movie, and it just doesn't work like that.

..*.. TxMike ..*..


Personally, I prefer the ending that we got: in this case, I think less is more, and the original ending sounded more even schlocky than what we got. I liked the ambiguity of the movie's final act too. In comparison, the character motivations in the original script were pretty much stated clearly.
