MovieChat Forums > The Neon Demon (2016) Discussion > vulva / lady lips? I can't see any

vulva / lady lips? I can't see any

Which scene is this in? Everyone was saying how groundbreaking this movie was with seeing the lady lips but I didn't see it AT ALL. I watched the full 110 mins and all I saw was shaved part.

Can someone tell me which scene the lips are in. it doesn't count if it's just the pubic part.



You perverted man. If you want to look at meaty p1ssflaps go and watch backroom casting couch on beeg.


That made me laugh out loud. Thank you


I think it's in the necrophilia scene, in the extended version on Itunes.


There is no such thing as an ''extended version'' of this film, you just made that up. Bad move. You gave the beast false hope and now he will be sicker than he already is. Good job.


Don't encourage this Creepy Englishman. He sounds beastly.


Err great, can anyone just take a screenshot for me?


eww. gross. stop. go get a girlfriend.

-On October 3rd He asked me what day it was "What day is it?" "It's October 3rd"-


He won't get a woman. He's a sick, sick man. Completely obsessed by Salo. He has an unhealthy fascination with sex, death and how vulva's work. Not exactly boyfriend material.


DR. CLITTERHAUS!?! Funniest name I have ever seen. And all of the things you said are goddamn hilarious. My friend and I are laughing our as$es off. And yes, I agree, dude should NOT have a girlfriend. Creep.



I did not say ew to the female anatomy but to the fact he is asking if he could see it. Which is probably the only reason he'd sit 2 hours to wait for the freeze frame fap material. That is what I said ew to. This is IMDb not Pinterest for the sexually needy. if hes so obsessed to fap he could go watch something on p0rnhub.

-On October 3rd He asked me what day it was "What day is it?" "It's October 3rd"-




I'm a bit disappointed , with every other film showing a penis , it would have been nice to see female genitalia just for a change!

I couldn't see anything, you must need Blueray or something!


I couldn't agree with you more about the lopsided depiction of male genitalia vs females in R rated films and TV-MA, but do believe this is starting to change. On TV: Orange is the New Black, Girls and Shameless have shown female closeups, primarily in a comedic manner. Still lopsided, but as millenials (both male and female are more comfortable with nudity) become more of a force in the decision-making of writers and directors, I'm hopeful things will start to even out. Many young adults, fortunately, value gender equality in all aspects - and this is one facet.

With respect to The Neon Demon, there IS genital nudity. Specifically it comes just before 1 hour 29 minutes and 0 seconds into the film. In the R rated version (which played in US theaters), when Ruby was kissing the corpse (played by a female actress), the bottom of the frame showed the upper half of the vulva (inclusive of somewhat blurred labia, due to the camera focus on the kissing). In the unrated version (which is on iTunes) specifically as "the unrated version" and NOT the theatrical version or the director's narrative - which both emulate the R rated , that same moment depicts VERY clear labial exposure (as in medical clarity, yet artistically depicted). Note that the camera slightly pulled back (or one could say that the R rated version was cropped and slightly blurred).

Note that the unrated version also shows Ruby's hand brush along the genitalia as it sweeps up to the left breast (R rated version prolongs the cut-away to the Jessie fantasy shot), and also depicts Ruby bouncing on the corpse as she reaches orgasm (while the R rated version shows only the close up of her face). These latter two examples fulfill the MPAA's longtime tradition of "if it's sex it's X" (of course, nowadays NC-17 or unrated). However, the decision to partially blur the labia with partial crop-out, I believe was a wrong one.

Don't get me wrong. There are many reasons why I love this film, and can elaborate on the soundtrack, cinematography, symbolism (which is much heavier than most realize), historic references, improvisation that went into the final product and even the acting (particularly the three female supporting cast members). Also, I respect Nicolas Winding Refn for comments like this one in an article for The Neon Demon:

"In [the United States], the vagina is still such a horrifying symbol, apparently, that they don't know what to do other than to panic, which is kind of weird because [the vagina] is the center of the universe. It’s the most important, unique, beautiful creation God's ever done."

To summarize, it is there, but with partial obscurity in the R rated version, and very clear view in the unrated version (at least that which is on iTunes). At present, only the R rated version is available on Amazon. If and (hopefully) when the unrated version comes to Amazon, there will be a lot more attention on this allegorical masterwork.


Thanks for the information, it seems incredible for them to have filmed different versions when the difference to most normal people would be hardly noticeable? What a complete waste of time. Do you think the censors really would have given it an NC17 when Rosario Dawson in Trance only got an R?

It does seem very weird in the US, home of pornography that there is such a paradox. I do believe that there are certain religious connotations for the constant obsession with covering female nudity, something that does not really exist in Europe anymore as there is a majority of atheist or humanist people.

At least it's all a step in the right direction.


It's another example how America is scared of female genital nudity. If it was a penis (even erect) there would be no censorship but female must be censored. Because viewers are children and do not know how it vulva/labia looks.


Right i've been searching for a version with the lady lips for some time now. Anyone?
