MovieChat Forums > The Neon Demon (2016) Discussion > Who do you think ate what??

Who do you think ate what??

Like we know for sure Gigi got an eyeball or possibly two, what do you think Ruby and Sarah ate?? Did they eat all of her and just leave the bones??

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


Not all of it. In the commentary track it is suggested they bathed in her blood and probably only ate her head/ face.


Thats disturbing, on another note wouldnt they gain a few pounds by eating meat??

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


Not much.


I was curious about the commentary regarding this scene. Do they go into much detail what the scene was supposed to convey? ie Do they explain why Ruby has her eyes closed? Was she sleeping? Why is she looking at Sarah/Gigi the way she does?


None of that was covered for as far as I remember, but I wouldn't read to much into that. I think Ruby was simply kind of in a trance, akin to being high. And it's implied Ruby is a lesbian, so I guess she's enjoying the view so to speak.

Refn (and Fenning) explained some basic stuff about the movie on the commentary track, but Refn also said he would only explain a little, leaving other stuff for the viewer to puzzle.


All three women bathed in her blood.

It's possible Gigi and Sarah ate her face since they were jealous of her beauty, while Ruby ate her heart to take her lifeforce (similar to one variation to the story of Snow White, where the Evil Queen demanded that the huntsman bring her Snow White's heart). In Slavic mythology, witches are also said to consume human hearts to gain power.


Man thats really disturbing, I can just imagine Gigi and sarah chowing down on her face and skin.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


Yeah, it's pretty nasty.
